[Closed] Grr… m.diffusemap = myBitmap
This seems like it should work, why doesn’t it?
local m = standard()
local myBitmap = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[i][i]
m.diffuseMapEnable = on
m.diffusemap = myBitmap --or m.diffuseMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[i]
m.diffuseMap.alphaSource = 2
m.diffuseMapAmount = 100
[/i]It's error free, but the map is not displayed in the diffuse map slot when I set the material editor to inherit the m material later on :[i] for j = 1 to myNodes.count do (meditMaterials[j] = m)[/i], nor is the bitmap texture applied to the node : [i]mySelectedsArray[j].material = m[/i].
I'm on max9. All help and online documentation agrees with the above code. Am I missing something silly?
Here is how I'm collecting the .tiff files, is there a problem with double backslashes when using this method? I don't think so.
local images_folder
on folderBTN pressed do (
images_folderPre = getSavePath caption:"Set folder" initialDir:(GetDir #scripts)
images_folder = images_folderPre + "\\"
--images_folder example: "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\multiMap importer\"
local whatAmIloookingFor
local searchType = "tif"
if searchType == "tif" then (whatAmIloookingFor = images_folder + "*.tif")
local myTiffs = getFiles whatAmIloookingFor
So thats how the array myTiffs is populated.
I should also add that the following code is working just fine:
m.bumpMapEnable = on
m.bumpMapAmount = 100
m.bumpMap = Normal_Bump ()
m.bumpMap.normal_map = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[i]
m.bumpMap.normal_map.alphaSource = 2
That code will load in the normal map if the naming conventions match successfully, so I know that myTiffs[i] is a correctly formatted string.
I’m building a multi-map importer for 3ds max (built to work with the multimap exporter from zbrush 4).
It automates the process of assigning specific materials to specific meshes with specific texture maps, based on naming conventions.
I think that I wasn’t being clear enough before. So here’s the wip code so far:
--multimap importer v0, by garrick@garrickcampsey.com
global multiMapImporterRollout
try destroyDialog multiMapImporterRollout catch()
rollout multiMapImporterRollout " Multimap Importer v1.0"
local images_folder = undefined --the address to the folder where the images are saved
local searchType = "tif" --what type of file to look for
label folderSelectLabel "Set folder :" pos:[10,10]
button folderBTN "Choose Folder" pos:[65,10] width:117 height:18
checkbox diffuseCheck "Diffuse?" checked:true pos:[10,40]
checkbox normalCheck "Normal?" checked:true pos:[90,40]
checkbox bumpCheck "Bump?" checked:true pos:[10,60] enabled:false
checkbox dispCheck "Displacement?" checked:true pos:[90,60] enabled:false
checkbox specCheck "Specular?" checked:true pos:[10,80] enabled:false
checkbox opacityCheck "Opacity?" checked:true pos:[90,80] enabled:false
checkbox otherACheck "Other" checked:false pos:[10,110] enabled:false
edittext otherATxt text:"naming convention" pos:[57,110] fieldWidth:120 height:18 enabled:false
checkbox otherBCheck "Other" checked:false pos:[10,130] enabled:false
edittext otherBTxt text:"naming convention" pos:[57,130] fieldWidth:120 height:18 enabled:false
label selectMeshesLabel "Select meshes to add maps to, then" pos:[10,165]
button goBTN "auto-import maps to materials" pos:[10,185] width:170 height:18
edittext theFeedbackTxt text:"Ready to build." pos:[6,210] fieldWidth:170 height:36
progressBar namesProgress "" pos:[10,250] width:170 height:10 value:0 color:[0,96,0]
progressBar imagesProgress "" pos:[10,262] width:170 height:10 value:0 color:[0,96,0]
on goBTN pressed do
--collect all selected meshes names into an array
local mySelectedsNamesArray = #()
local mySelectedsArray = #()
for j in $ do
(append mySelectedsNamesArray j.name;append mySelectedsArray j)
--print mySelectedsNamesArray
--for every tif image found, collect it into an array
local whatAmIloookingFor
if searchType == "tif" then (whatAmIloookingFor = images_folder + "*.tif")
local myTiffs = getFiles whatAmIloookingFor
--print myTiffs
for i = 1 to myTiffs.count do
--print myTiffs[i]
local reduceDirs = filterString myTiffs[i] "\\" --for the count of the array, filterString each item with "\"
--print reduceDirs[reduceDirs.count]
local findNamingConvention = filterString reduceDirs[reduceDirs.count] "-" --for (the last one) filterString with "-"
if findNamingConvention[1] != undefined and findNamingConvention[2] != undefined and findNamingConvention[3] != undefined then
( --check to see if dataset is valid, else invalid naming convention
--print findNamingConvention
for j = 1 to mySelectedsNamesArray.count do
local mySNAfiltered = filterString mySelectedsNamesArray[j] "-"
--findNamingConvention[1] mySNAfiltered[1] --model name
--findNamingConvention[2] mySNAfiltered[2] --part name
--findNamingConvention[3] --the map type and file type
if findNamingConvention[1] == mySNAfiltered[1] and findNamingConvention[2] == mySNAfiltered[2] then
( --check to see if model and part names match
--build a material to operate on
local m = standard()
m.twoSided = on
--compare findNamingConvention[3] to Zbrush naming conventions:
if findNamingConvention[3] == "DF.tif" then
print "MMI says: DIFFUSE:"
local myBitmap = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[i]
m.diffuseMapEnable = on
m.diffusemap = myBitmap
--m.diffusemap.filename = myTiffs[i]
m.diffuseMap.alphaSource = 2
m.diffuseMapAmount = 100
--showTextureMap m m.diffuseMap on
print mySelectedsArray[j]
print myTiffs[i]
if findNamingConvention[3] == "NM.tif" then
print "MMI says: NORMAL:"
m.bumpMapEnable = on
m.bumpMapAmount = 100
m.bumpMap = Normal_Bump ()
m.bumpMap.normal_map = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[i]
m.bumpMap.normal_map.alphaSource = 2
print mySelectedsArray[j]
print myTiffs[i]
-- --put each mesh's material in material editor?
meditMaterials[j] = m
mySelectedsArray[j].material = m --assign the material to the correct mesh
)--end if-and
--provide names Progress updates
)--end for-do()
) else ()--a files naming convention is messed up, feedback file name to listener
--provide images progressbar updates
--provide feedback text:
--# of meshes selected, # of maps found, # of meshes successfully processed
--# of meshes failed
)--end for
)--end on
on folderBTN pressed do
images_folderPre = getSavePath caption:"Set folder" initialDir:(GetDir #scripts)
images_folder = images_folderPre + "\\"
local imagesString = images_folderPre as string
local reduceDirs = filterString imagesString "\\"
local theImagesFolder = reduceDirs[reduceDirs.count]
folderBTN.text = theImagesFolder + "\\"
button launchBTN "< Indexr" pos:[10,278] width:50 height:20
on launchBTN pressed do (try(fileIn "indexr.ms")catch(messagebox "Cannot find indexr.ms"))
button howItWorksBTN "How it works" pos:[61,278] width:103 height:20
on howItWorksBTN pressed do (messagebox "Naming conventions!
button whoIsBTN "?" pos:[165,278] width:15 height:20
on whoIsBTN pressed do (messagebox "Send errors to: Garrick@GarrickCampsey.com")
)--close rollout
createDialog multiMapImporterRollout 190 305 5 90 lockWidth:true lockHeight:true style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu, #style_resizing)
I think this thread explains why it isn’t working as you expect it to:
You’re not loading the .tifs with
local myBitmap = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[i]
you’re creating new ones.
A thousand thanks! That got me going in the right direction. I’m able to load the bitmap in, but I’m getting some weirdness when trying to apply it to the diffuse map slot. I’m trying:
m.diffuseMapEnable = on
local myBitmap = openBitmap myTiffs[i]
m.diffusemap = myBitmap
Here’s variations I’ve tried, all fail:
local m = standard()
m.twoSided = on
--myTiffs[i] ex: "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\multiMap importer\blue.tif"
m.diffuseMapEnable = on
--local myBitmap = openBitmap myTiffs[i]
--m.diffusemap = TextureMap
--m.diffusemap.texturemap = myBitmap
m.diffusetexture = openBitmap myTiffs[i]
m.diffusemap = bitmaptexture
m.diffusemap.filename = myBitmap
m.diffusemap = myBitmap
m.diffuseMap.alphaSource = 2
m.diffuseMapAmount = 100
--showTextureMap m m.diffuseMap on
MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: – Unable to convert: BitMap:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\multiMap importer\myModel-part1-DF.tif to type: TextureMap <<
So, I think I need to load the bitmap into a texture map, or something?
local m = standard()
local myBmp = openBitmap myTiffs[i]
m.diffusemap = myBmp
Dont want:
$.material.diffusemap = myBmp
meditmaterials[1].diffusemap = myBmp
Thanks for any help anyone has!
Does this help?
mypath = "m:\\maps\\brick\\brkwea02.jpg"
mymaterial = createinstance standardmaterial --Create a new standard material - mymaterial
diffusefile = openbitmap mypath --Load a bitmap stored as diffusefile
diffusebitmap = createinstance bitmaptexture --Create a bitmaptexture - diffusebitmap
diffusebitmap.bitmap = diffusefile --Put the bitmap into the bitmaptexture
mymaterial.diffusemap = diffusebitmap --Put the bitmaptexture in the material
setmeditmaterial 1 mymaterial
Obviously you’ll have to change the value of mypath but when run will create a material and put a bitmap into the diffuse slot.
it’s the same:
mymaterial = standardmaterial diffusemap:(bitmaptexture filename:mypath)
I like your method denisT! I wound up using:
local m = standard()
m.twoSided = on
m.diffuseMapEnable = on
m.bumpMapEnable = on
m.bumpMapAmount = 100
m.bumpMap = Normal_Bump ()
m.bumpMap.map1on = on
m.bumpMap.map2on = on
then setting the textures into the materials with:
m.diffuseMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[j]
m.diffuseMap.alphaSource = 2
m.diffuseMapAmount = 100
showTextureMap m m.diffuseMap on
m.bumpMap.normal_map = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[j]
m.bumpMap.normal_map.alphaSource = 2
m.bumpMap.mult_spin = 1.0
--bump in normal
m.bumpMap.bump_map = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[j]
m.bumpMap.bump_map.alphaSource = 2
m.bumpMap.bump_spin = 1.0
Here’s the working code if anyone is interested:
--multimap importer v1, by garrick@garrickcampsey.com
--todo: add more types of textures, bump, displacement, specular, opacity, reflection, etc...
global multiMapImporterRollout
try destroyDialog multiMapImporterRollout catch()
rollout multiMapImporterRollout " Multimap Importer v1.0"
local images_folder = undefined --the address to the folder where the images are saved
local searchType = "tif" --what type of file to look for
label folderSelectLabel "Set folder :" pos:[10,10]
button folderBTN "Choose Folder" pos:[65,8] width:225 height:18
groupBox typesGroup "Choose types and naming conventions" pos:[10,32] width:280 height:200
checkbox nmACheck "Diffuse" checked:true pos:[20,55] enabled:true
on nmACheck changed theState do nmACheck.state = true
label nmALabel "naming convention : " pos:[95,57]
edittext nmATxt text:"TM" pos:[190,55] fieldWidth:85 height:18 enabled:true
checkbox nmBCheck "Normal" checked:true pos:[20,75] enabled:true
on nmBCheck changed theState do nmBCheck.state = true
label nmBLabel "naming convention : " pos:[95,77]
edittext nmBTxt text:"NM" pos:[190,75] fieldWidth:85 height:18 enabled:true
checkbox nmCCheck "Bump" checked:false pos:[20,95] enabled:false
label nmCLabel "naming convention : " pos:[95,97] enabled:false
edittext nmCTxt text:"CV" pos:[190,95] fieldWidth:85 height:18 enabled:false
checkbox nmDCheck "Disp." checked:false pos:[20,115] enabled:false
label nmDLabel "naming convention : " pos:[95,117] enabled:false
edittext nmDTxt text:"DM" pos:[190,115] fieldWidth:85 height:18 enabled:false
checkbox nmECheck "Specular" checked:false pos:[20,135] enabled:false
label nmELabel "naming convention : " pos:[95,137] enabled:false
edittext nmETxt text:"SP" pos:[190,135] fieldWidth:85 height:18 enabled:false
checkbox nmFCheck "Opacity" checked:false pos:[20,155] enabled:false
label nmFLabel "naming convention : " pos:[95,157] enabled:false
edittext nmFTxt text:"OP" pos:[190,155] fieldWidth:85 height:18 enabled:false
checkbox nmGCheck "Reflection" checked:false pos:[20,175] enabled:false
label nmGLabel "naming convention : " pos:[95,177] enabled:false
edittext nmGTxt text:"RF" pos:[190,175] fieldWidth:85 height:18 enabled:false
label selectMeshesLabel "Select the meshes to add the maps to, then press:" pos:[30,237]
button goBTN "textures to materials (shift+click to import objs too)" pos:[10,255] width:280 height:40
edittext theFeedbackTxt text:"Ready to build." pos:[6,300] fieldWidth:280 height:50
progressBar meshesProgress "" pos:[10,355] width:280 height:10 value:0 color:[0,96,0]
progressBar imagesProgress "" pos:[10,370] width:280 height:10 value:0 color:[0,96,0]
button launchBTN "< Indexr" pos:[10,387] width:55 height:20
on launchBTN pressed do (try(fileIn "indexr.ms")catch(messagebox "Cannot find indexr.ms"))
button howItWorksBTN "How it works" pos:[170,387] width:103 height:20
on howItWorksBTN pressed do (messagebox "Use naming conventions!
Texture filename:
button whoIsBTN "?" pos:[275,387] width:15 height:20
on whoIsBTN pressed do (messagebox "Send errors to: Garrick@GarrickCampsey.com")
on goBTN pressed do
theFeedbackTxt.text = "working..."
--collect all selected meshes names into an array
local mySelectedsNamesArray = #()
local mySelectedsArray = #()
local myImportedTextures = #()
local start = timeStamp()
if keyboard.shiftPressed == true then ( --check to see if shift button is pressed
--collect all the objs in the folder directory, import each, name and append to their respective arrays
local whatAmIloookingFor = images_folder + "*.obj"
local myObjs = getFiles whatAmIloookingFor
for i=1 to myObjs.count do
--import the obj file
importFile myObjs[i] #noPrompt using:Wavefront_Object
--print myObjs[i]
local o=openFile myObjs[i] mode:"r+"
local myReadData = #()
--get the OBJ name from the MTL line in the OBJ file, 9th line
for g = 1 to 9 do (
myRead = readLine o
append myReadData myRead
close o
local myFilteredMtlName = filterString myReadData[9] " " --seperate by the space
local myFilteredName = filterString myFilteredMtlName[2] "." --separate by the .mtl
--print myFilteredName[1]
--assign this name to the newly imported object
select $objZBrushPolyMesh3D* --why doesn't max import the OBJ name properly?
$.name = myFilteredName[1]
append mySelectedsNamesArray $.name --put this name into mySelectedsNamesArray
append mySelectedsArray $ --put object into mySelectedsArray
--print myObjs[i]
--if shift is not pressed, just get the selected meshes
) else (
--check to make sure something is selected, if so, append the nodes into arrays, else msg the user
try(for j in $ do (append mySelectedsNamesArray j.name;append mySelectedsArray j);clearSelection()
)catch(messagebox "Please select some meshes to work on.")
if mySelectedsArray.count > 0 then (
--get the values from the editText fields
local nmAText = nmATxt.text + ".tif"
local nmBText = nmBTxt.text + ".tif"
local nmCText = nmCTxt.text + ".tif"
--for every tif image found, collect it into an array
local whatAmIloookingFor
if searchType == "tif" then (whatAmIloookingFor = images_folder + "*.tif") --**** FILETYPE
local myTiffs = getFiles whatAmIloookingFor
--for every node in mySelectedsArray do
for i = 1 to mySelectedsNamesArray.count do
--filter string name
local splitModelAndPart = filterString mySelectedsNamesArray[i] "-" --split the model and part name
--print splitModelAndPart[1] --this is the model name
--print splitModelAndPart[2] --this is the part/subObject name
--compare model name to myTiffs[], find match
--build a material for the mesh
local m = standard()
m.twoSided = on
m.diffuseMapEnable = on
m.bumpMapEnable = on
m.bumpMapAmount = 100
m.bumpMap = Normal_Bump ()
m.bumpMap.map1on = on
m.bumpMap.map2on = on
for j = 1 to myTiffs.count do
local reduceDirs = filterString myTiffs[j] "\\" --for the count of the array, filterString each item with "\"
local findNamingConvention = filterString reduceDirs[reduceDirs.count] "-" --for (the last one) filterString with "-"
if findNamingConvention[1] != undefined and findNamingConvention[2] != undefined and findNamingConvention[3] != undefined then
( --check to see if dataset is valid, else invalid naming convention
--print findNamingConvention[1] --this is the model name
--print findNamingConvention[2] --this is the part number
--print findNamingConvention[3] --this is the filetype
if splitModelAndPart[1] == findNamingConvention[1] and splitModelAndPart[2] == findNamingConvention[2] then
( --the mesh matches the texture file
--assign the model and part name to the material
m.name = (findNamingConvention[1] as string) + "-" + (findNamingConvention[2] as string)
--then do comparisons to see where incoming images should go
local myString = findNamingConvention[3] as string
--compare strings indices 1 and 2 as chars
if myString[1] == (nmATxt.text[1] as string) and myString[2] == (nmATxt.text[2] as string) then
print "diffuse:"
print myTiffs[j]
m.diffuseMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[j]
m.diffuseMap.alphaSource = 2
m.diffuseMapAmount = 100
showTextureMap m m.diffuseMap on
--put in success array
append myImportedTextures myTiffs[j]
if myString[1] == (nmBTxt.text[1] as string) and myString[2] == (nmBTxt.text[2] as string) then
print "normal:"
print myTiffs[j]
m.bumpMap.normal_map = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[j]
m.bumpMap.normal_map.alphaSource = 2
m.bumpMap.mult_spin = 1.0
--put in success array
append myImportedTextures myTiffs[j]
if myString[1] == (nmCTxt.text[1] as string) and myString[2] == (nmCTxt.text[2] as string) then
( --BUMP
print "bump:"
print myTiffs[j]
m.bumpMap.bump_map = Bitmaptexture fileName:myTiffs[j]
m.bumpMap.bump_map.alphaSource = 2
m.bumpMap.bump_spin = 1.0
--put in success array
append myImportedTextures myTiffs[j]
) --end naming convention comparison
) else () --invalid dataset, texFile is named incorrectly
-- update images prog bar
local myPercent = 100 * j / myTiffs.count
imagesProgress.value = myPercent
imagesProgress.color = [200 - myPercent * 2,myPercent * 2,0]
)--end for j in myTiffs do
--print mySelectedsArray[i]
mySelectedsArray[i].material = m --assign the material to the correct mesh
meditMaterials[i] = m --then copy m to appropriate map slot
-- update meshes prog bar
local myPercent = 100 * i / mySelectedsNamesArray.count
meshesProgress.value = myPercent
meshesProgress.color = [200 - myPercent * 2,myPercent * 2,0]
)--end for i = 1 to mySelectedsNamesArray.count do )
--provide feedback/report on meshes and textures loaded in
local matchedTexs = myTiffs.count - myImportedTextures.count
local myUpdateString = "Built in: " + (formattedPrint ((timeStamp() - start) / 1000.0) format:".1f") + "sec." +\
Total meshes: " + mySelectedsArray.count as string + " Textures applied: " + myImportedTextures.count as string +\
Unused textures: " + matchedTexs as string
theFeedbackTxt.text = myUpdateString
) else (print "no .objs found in folder.")--end if mySelectedsArray.count > 0 then )
)--end on
on folderBTN pressed do
images_folderPre = getSavePath caption:"Set folder" initialDir:(GetDir #scripts)
if images_folderPre != undefined then
images_folder = images_folderPre + "\\"
local imagesString = images_folderPre as string
local reduceDirs = filterString imagesString "\\"
local theImagesFolder = reduceDirs[reduceDirs.count]
folderBTN.text = theImagesFolder + "\\"
)--close rollout
createDialog multiMapImporterRollout 300 415 5 90 lockWidth:true lockHeight:true style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu, #style_resizing)
Double progress bars!