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[Closed] GroupBoxes – in development.

for i = 1 to 3 do
	if n.min[i] < bMin[i] do bMin[i] = n.min[i]
	if n.max[i] > bMax[i] do bMax[i] = n.max[i]

Is this really an optimization ?

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Joined: 11 months ago

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No, only shorter code.
The main difference is that your algorithm is recursive, while mine uses the join hack to get max to do the recursion for me.

p.s. – I wrote my code the same time you did, not as a response to your code.


performance comparison (100 iterations with hierarchy of ~100 objects):

maxscript recursive:
time: 186 ms
memory: 1108120L

join method:
time: 71 ms
memory: 27256L


further optimization (cached n.min and n.max and unrolled loop):

fn getHierarchyBBox node =
	local bMin = [1e100, 1e100, 1e100]
	local bMax = [-1e100, -1e100, -1e100]
	for n in join #() node do 
		local nMin = n.min
		local nMax = n.max
		if nMin[1] < bMin[1] do bMin[1] = nMin[1]
		if nMax[1] > bMax[1] do bMax[1] = nMax[1]
		if nMin[2] < bMin[2] do bMin[2] = nMin[2]
		if nMax[2] > bMax[2] do bMax[2] = nMax[2]
		if nMin[3] < bMin[3] do bMin[3] = nMin[3]
		if nMax[3] > bMax[3] do bMax[3] = nMax[3]
	#(bMin, bMax)

Good. You win.


A coworker of mine discovered the join trick by mistake a few days ago, I was keen to find a practical use for it

Here is the callback that changes the wirecolor of an object’s sibling to red.

	global IdentifyGroups_savedSiblings
	global IdentifyGroups_wireColor = (color 176 26 26)

	local storeWirecolor, manageSiblingsColor, revertSiblingsColor, setSiblingsColor
	sW = attributes storedWirecolor
		parameters main
			color type:#color

	fn storeWirecolor obj =
		custattributes.add obj sW 
		print "storeWirecolor"
		obj.storedWirecolor.color = obj.wirecolor

	fn manageSiblingsColor ev nd =
		if IdentifyGroups_savedSiblings != undefined do revertSiblingsColor IdentifyGroups_savedSiblings
		setSiblingsColor selection

	mapped fn revertSiblingsColor obj =
		if (isProperty obj "storedWirecolor") then obj.wirecolor = obj.storedWirecolor.color
			else obj.wirecolor = color (random 0 255) (random 0 255) (random 0 255)

	mapped fn setSiblingsColor obj color:(color 176 26 26) =
		if (isValidNode obj) do
			IdentifyGroups_savedSiblings = undefined
			if obj.parent != undefined do
				IdentifyGroups_savedSiblings = for o in obj.parent.children where o != obj collect o
				print IdentifyGroups_savedSiblings
				for child in IdentifyGroups_savedSiblings do 
					if (isProperty child "storedWirecolor") then child.storedWirecolor.color = child.wirecolor
					else storeWirecolor child
					child.wirecolor = color

	global wirecolorCallback = NodeEventCallback selectionChanged:manageSiblingsColor added:manageSiblingsColor deleted:manageSiblingsColor

Cheers for those bits guys, very useful.

Denis, I’m a bit confused about the concept of using a Scripted Manipulator for this…

Do we still use a BoxGizmo object?

i think that it will be more complicated to receive all hierarchy change events using a simple node (or inherited from Dummy). a simple node receives only message about only immediate children change.
a manipulator receives probably all scene change messages. i will check…

it seems like i was wrong. the manipulator doesn’t easy receive link/unlink messages.

ok. we changing a plan. i have better idea. scripted controllers…

my function is not working right… i need to review it. children.min/children.max returns only bbox of last child. it’s strange… i have to check what to do.

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