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[Closed] group geometry only from selection

I want to create a group and filtering classof to only group geometry… but i fail to do it

fragsel = selection where classof == geometry
if isValidNode $‘blabla’
then ungroup $‘kaboom’
group fragsel name:“blabla”
if not isValidNode $‘blabla’
then group fragsel name:“blabla”

8 Replies

Hi Laurent,
my approach is to test and deselect invalid nodes, then create the group with remaining objects.

    -- Runs trough each node in selection and deselects it if not a geometry object
    for n in selection where (superClassOf n != GeometryClass) do ( deselect n )
    -- Creates a Group of geometry objects still selected
    group selection name:"ObjectsGroup"
    -- Selects the newly created group
    select $ObjectsGroup
  • Enrico

thank you.
It seems that if several object arnt geometry, only one is deselected…

Hey, try this, it should work. The issue is that “selection” is a collection and gets dynamically updated while objects are deselected by the loop. Sometimes it slips.

    -- Gets selection as Array
    local aSelection = selection as Array
    -- Runs trough each node in selection and deselects it if not a geometry object
    for n in aSelection where (superClassOf n != GeometryClass) do ( deselect n )
    -- Creates a Group of geometry objects still selected
    group selection name:"ObjectsGroup"
    -- Selects the newly created group
    select $ObjectsGroup
  • Enrico

you don’t need to deselect not geometry nodes. it’s cleaner to collect and group only geometry class nodes:

group (for node in selection where iskindof node GeometryClass collect node)  

Hey Denis, you’re right, I was carried a little away by reading the pseudocode

  • Enrico

Well done DenisT ! that is what I wanted!
Thank you for your efforts SyncViewS, nice try from my “pseudoCode” ;))

thanks guys, glad to always find some help here!

Hey Laurent, I hope you didn’t feel offended by the “pseudocode”. It’s not meant to insult your work at all. It’s a technical term to identify a form of code written for human reading, rather than machine. You can define algorithms with it, then write them in machine language.

  • Enrico

Hey SyncViewS, no offense at all! don’t worry!! I am not scripter and I just keep trying to assemble pieces of code. I have a lot to learn with maxscript!! thank you for your time man