[Closed] grid to bitmap
Hi everyone.
I want to make a bitmap from a quad-plane. Is there an easy way to find out how a mesh is build up? For instance I have this:
I want to get this excactly onto a bitmap of the total points. The points are always going to be 5 in width and 4 down. But how do I identify which vertex is top left and how would i go about identifying the rest?
Would I have to check each vertex against another?
Thanks for all the help
I did write a script where I get the top left vert and top right and then check each connected edge on the same x axis, collect the vert connected to that edge, put in an array, next vert down, etc,etc
But surely there must be an easier way?
Is there anyway i could use the renderer for this?
Guess it’s a bit harder than I thought.
What about if the plane geometry has it’s vertices always aligned at a fixed x and y position?
So, top left vert would always be at 0,10 and bottom left at 10,0?
Could I get a vert (or face) by entering a specific position without having to test each vert position?
Can you not just loop thourgh the verts (in any order) and multiply the XY position of the vertex / face by a scalar?
bmpSize = 5
gridSize = 500
gridPos = [300,200]
pixelPos = gridPos / (gridSize / bmpSize) – [3,2]
x = int(pixelPos.x) – 3
y = int(pixelPos.y) – 2