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[Closed] Grid float format


Hello again!

I have made script what reads Grid Float file and generate terrain with data what I get from flt file (see image below). My problem is than I can get height (Z) data, but not X Y size of terrain. Here is sample of flt header file.

ncols 1232
nrows 749
xllcorner -123.07333333318
yllcorner 48.527222533508
cellsize 0.00027777736224749
NODATA_value -9999
byteorder LSBFIRST

Ok. I know what ncols and nrows means. And xllcorner and yllcorner mean lower left XY corners. Cellsize is info what I need (I am almost sure of that), but value is so tiny :). What that value means, km, miles, meters? If someone knows where I can find specs. for Grid Float fileformat I am very greatfull.

2 Replies

And here is nice site for getting dem data from usa (free).

there are some importers on scriptspot for this, might help to point you in the right direction.
