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[Closed] global custom attribute definition id already exists


Hi, whenever I try to run Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 with Gamebryo, and I use ‘attach to process’ debugging with Visual Studio, I get numerous error messages:
“global custom attribute definition id already exists: TextureExportSettings”
“unable to find any plug-ins at: C:\Gamebryo…”

What is causing these error messages to appear?

3 Replies

probably first-chance exceptions which are already caught and handled in Gamebryo’s code. You can disable these in Visual Studio (disable ‘break on first-chance exceptions’ or something like that)


those error messages are showing up in 3ds Max, not Visual Studio


ok, I managed to get rid of the first error. But “unable to find any plug-ins at: C:\Gamebryo…”
still remains

Then, when 3ds Max opens up and I click on an icon such as Gamebryo  Export, Gamebryo Preview, etc, I get the error message "Type error: Call  needs function or class, got: undefined" in Maxscript at the line "strFilename = GetExportValue "NiFilename" " for  Gamebryo-Export.mcr and that same error occurs at the line  "DoGamebryoView(-1)" of Gamebryo-AutoPreview.mcr
 If I then include NiMaxOptions.h in the Gamebryo-Export.mcr file, like  below, I get the error message: "syntax error at /, expected  <factor> In line: include "Gamebryo/NiMaxOptions.h"// 

     	macroscript GamebryoExport category:"Gamebryo Tools" 
       buttonText:"Gamebryo Export" toolTip:"Gamebryo Export" Icon:#("Gamebryo", 2) 
  include "Gamebryo/NiMaxOptions.h"     
  strFilename = GetExportValue "NiFilename"     
  GamebryoExport strFilename )

Using ‘//’ instead of ‘/’ did not solve the issue