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[Closed] global condition

I want to define globals to enable /disable buttons on conditions.
I don’t know where to say that in the code…

if isValidNode $‘kaboom-group’ and isValidNode $‘BombGizmo’ then
Compute.enabled = true
test.enabled = true


Compute.enabled = false
test.enabled = false

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Usually a button is rollout control. You can set button’s enable/disable and any other rollout controls parameters on <rollout> open event.

global button_state = if button_state == undefined then on else button_state
try(destroydialog test) catch()
rollout test "test
 checkbutton bt_on "ON" across:2 width:40 enabled:(not button_state) checked:(button_state)
 checkbutton bt_off "OFF" width:40 enabled:(not button_state) checked:(button_state)
 on bt_on changed state do bt_on.enabled = bt_off.checked = not (bt_off.enabled = button_state = state)
 on bt_off changed state do bt_off.enabled = bt_on.checked = button_state = not (bt_on.enabled = state)
 on test open do
  bt_on.enabled = bt_off.checked = not (bt_on.checked = bt_off.enabled = button_state)
createdialog test

that s not really what I m looking for. I want a some buttons disabled if ‘kaboom-group’ doesnt exist in the scene. then enabled when it does exist…

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it’s technically not but really is what you are looking for.

denisT code should do that. If you are wanting to do it with the dialog open, vs setting it when you open the dialog then you will have to look at callbacks to manage that.


thank you guy, I have some work to understand all this will try

and Pixel_Monkey, I m really afraid of that freaky evil monkey!

Well the “on <rollout> open do” event handler basically says when this rollout opens execute this code. So as long as you place the needed code in there it will execute every time the dialog is launched. The information is pretty well documented in the examples and the “Utilities and Rollout Properties, Methods, and Event Handlers” and “CreateDialog” sections of the Maxscript help.

Oh and don’t worry he is Sponge Bob Friendly, you only have to worry if your name is Chris Griffin.


I don’t speak about doing things on rollout open…
I want some buttons disabled if ‘$.MyGroup01’ doesnt exist in the scene. then auto enabled if ‘$.MyGroup01’ has been created later (without re-open the rollout)

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that’s absolutely different story…

in this case you have to use callbacks…

global test_rollout
global controlled_name = "controlled_node"
callbacks.removescripts id:#node_control
fn canUpdate = (iskindof test_rollout RolloutClass and
fn debugPrint act state params = 
 format "%: exists:% params:%
" act state params
fn onSceneNodeChanged act:"" = if canUpdate() do 
 local node = callbacks.notificationParam()
 local bt = getproperty test_rollout #bt_node
 local name = controlled_name
 case act of
   #deleted: if isvalidnode node and == name do bt.enabled = off
  #added: if isvalidnode node and == name do bt.enabled = on
   #nameset: if isvalidnode node[3] do
	 if node[2] == name then bt.enabled = on
	 else if node[1] == name and node[2] != name do bt.enabled = off
	default: bt.enabled = (getnodebyname name != undefined)
 debugPrint act bt.enabled node
try(destroydialog test_rollout) catch()
rollout test_rollout "Node Control" 
 button bt_node "Select Controlled Node" width:190
 on bt_node pressed do undo "Select" on 
  if (node = getnodebyname controlled_name) != undefined then select node
  else clearSelection()
 on test_rollout open do
  bt_node.enabled = (getnodebyname controlled_name != undefined)
  callbacks.removescripts id:#node_control
  callbacks.addscript #nodePreDelete   ("onSceneNodeChanged act:#deleted")  id:#node_control
  callbacks.addscript #sceneNodeAdded  ("onSceneNodeChanged act:#added")  id:#node_control
  callbacks.addscript #nodeNameSet   ("onSceneNodeChanged act:#nameset")  id:#node_control
  callbacks.addscript #sceneUndo    ("onSceneNodeChanged act:#undo")  id:#node_control
  callbacks.addscript #sceneRedo    ("onSceneNodeChanged act:#redo")  id:#node_control
  callbacks.addscript #systemPostNew   ("onSceneNodeChanged act:#new")   id:#node_control
  callbacks.addscript #systemPostReset  ("onSceneNodeChanged act:#reset")  id:#node_control
  callbacks.addscript #filePostOpen   ("onSceneNodeChanged act:#open")  id:#node_control
 on test_rollout close do
  callbacks.removescripts id:#node_control
createdialog test_rollout width:200

don’t say that it’s not really what you want…

– bug fixed in the snippet… 10.17.2009

Then you would put the check in the on open event handler, but you would also want to add a General Event callback or Node Event System callback. Look those up in the help, you could use either an added or name changed handler. Then you would also want to add an “on close <rollout> do” and inside of it delete the callbacks. So whenever you open the dialog it makes the check, then the event handlers are enabled to monitor changes in the scene. On dialog close the callbacks are removed to stop the monitoring as it is no longer needed.

Hope that helps,

thank you, I will digg this

my last script controls node with name “controlled_node”. Use controlled_name global variable to set the controlled node name.