[Closed] gizmo modifier linked to Biped COM?
I have a body mesh with a Skin modifier with bones from a biped.
I need to add 4 Slice modifiers to remove parts of the mesh during the animation.
If these slices are before the Skin modifier, their gizmos move aligned with the mesh as expected.
BUT: When I move the gizmo of any Slice, the Skin vertex assignments are all messed up.
[img] http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/6553/slice1qs0.jpg [/img]
So, I decided to put the Slices After the Skin in the stack.
Now the Skin is not affected by the Slices.
BUT: If they are manually aligned when Biped is in Figure Mode, they move to the wrong place when the Biped returns to its animated position.
So, what I need is to link all the slice gizmos to the biped COM.
I know how to do it adding a script controller to each one.
http://paulneale.com/temp/slicePlaneGizmo.zip (thanks Paul Neal)
Where the script is:
(bipedCOM.transform*inverse objectWithTheSliceModifier.objectTransform)
This way the slices gizmos moves when the biped enter in Figure Mode.
But it doesnt know anything about the always deform property of the Slice modifier, which moves the mesh exactly the same way as Figure Mode does.
Before start to populate the script with a lot of new lines, testing the .always_deform property, I would like to know if Im moving in the wrong direction.