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[Closed] Getting vertex selection from modifier. QUICKLY

My task is simple – I have an editable poly (or editable mesh, it’s not vital) with volume_select modifier, I have a rule to move its gizmo and I need to get vertex selection from this modifier.
The bad news is that model is about 1.5m tris and I need to do that few thousand times.
The best solution I have found is to read
But reading this data from object is DEADLY SLOW and calculating whole task takes hours.
Is there any other method to read modifier’s selection data?

5 Replies

use getVertSelection

Serejah, you can try with c# SDK…

the fastest SDK way to get current trimesh vertex selection is:

node > EvalWorldState > TriObject > mesh > VertSel

all built-in MXS methods are really slow

I didn’t do much tests, but in 2014 it is pretty fast
And it is also dependent on command panel mode

bits = #()
for mode in #( #create, #modify ) do
	setCommandPanelTaskMode mode
	delete objects
	tri = plane widthsegments:850 lengthsegments:850 isSelected:true
	convertToMesh tri
	vs = Vol__Select ()
	vs.level = 1
	vs.volume = 4
	vs.texture = Dent size:100
	vs.method = 0
	addModifier tri vs

	t1=timestamp();hf = heapfree
		vsel = getVertSelection tri
	format "Mode:% Time: %sec. Mem: %\n" mode ((timestamp()-t1)/1000 as float) (hf-heapfree)
       -- LEAKS MEMORY
	t1=timestamp();hf = heapfree
		g = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance	
		inode  = g.COREInterface14.GetINodeByHandle tri.inode.handle asdotnetobject:true
		iobj   = inode.evalworldstate (currenttime as integer) true asdotnetobject:true
	format "C# sdk vsel Time: %sec. Mem: %\n\n" ((timestamp()-t1)/1000 as float) (hf-heapfree)
	append bits vsel

bits[1].numberset == bits[2].numberset
(bits[1] - bits[2]).IsEmpty and (bits[2] - bits[1]).IsEmpty

Mode: #create Time: 1.333sec. Mem: 192L
C# sdk vsel Time: 0.673sec. Mem: 944L

Mode: #modify Time: 0.008sec. Mem: 192L
C# sdk vsel Time: 0.074sec. Mem: 944L

it works fast because the object is an Editable Mesh. It will be slower with an Editable Poly

Hah, it was too obvious to come up with it on my own!
Works great, thank you Serejah.