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[Closed] Getting merged objects from callback


Just wondering if there’s a callback for getting an array of objects being file merged into the current scene? I coulnd’t see anything specific in the help, unless I missed something.

I’m about to do a comparison of the scene before and after, just wondering if there was an easier way?


5 Replies

I’d do something like this, but probably put it in a struct to avoid lots of globals:

global theNodeEventCallback
global merging = false
global newNodes

function newNodes s e = (
	if merging do (
		for obj in e do (
			print (getAnimByHandle obj)

callbacks.addScript #filePreMerge "merging = true" id:#test
callbacks.addScript #filePostMerge  "merging = false" id:#test
theNodeEventCallback = nodeEventCallback added:newNodes

To remove the callbacks:

callbacks.removeScripts id:#test

theNodeEventCallback = undefined  --make reference of node callback undefined
gc light:true --run a garbage collection to completely remove node callback


Ah, it appears that the filePostMerge callback is fired before the nodeEventCallback.

This code works, and the nodeEventCallback is only enabled when merging.

global theNodeEventCallback
global newNodes

function newNodes s e = (
	for obj in e do (
		print (getAnimByHandle obj)
	theNodeEventCallback.enabled = false

callbacks.addScript #filePreMerge "theNodeEventCallback.enabled = true" id:#test
theNodeEventCallback = nodeEventCallback added:newNodes
theNodeEventCallback.enabled = false

To remove the callbacks:

callbacks.removeScripts id:#test

theNodeEventCallback = undefined  --make reference of node callback undefined
gc light:true --run a garbage collection to completely remove node callback


here is my version:

global mergeResult
fn preMergeControl = (mergeResult = objects.count)
fn postMergeControl = (mergeResult = for k = mergeResult + 1 to objects.count collect objects[k])

callbacks.removeScripts id:#merge_control
callbacks.addScript #filePreMerge "preMergeControl()" id:#merge_control
callbacks.addScript #filePostMerge  "postMergeControl()" id:#merge_control

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Joined: 11 months ago

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Ah of course, any new layers/objects added to the scene will always be at the end of the layer/object array respectively. Cheers for that I’m sure it’ll come in useful.

Interesting different approaches, thanks.