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[Closed] Getting access to negative skin value

I write simple tool that help me to skin and I need access to change skin strength value.
It work when value is positive, however I also need to set negative value in order to add and remove skin values from vertices.
When I use


I got

Parameter value out of range: < 0 or > 1e+06: -1

when I use $.modifiers[#Skin].paint_str=-1 method, I got ok in listner but skin strength remain unchanged.
Do anybody know how to set negative skin value by maxscript like you can do manually in Painter options max.strength val to below zero.

1 Reply

You dont need negative value for that.
And you can’t do that, no matter what you set in brush prop. you can’t paint or set negative values.

Weight values are 0-1 per single/every bone when not normalized
And 0-1 sum for all bones when normalized – default.

“Alt” painting will lower/remove weights. Same as will painting/adding weight to other bone/s – when normalized – default.
If you want to do something like remove/lower weight from verts influenced by single bone “unnormalize” (temporary) those.