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[Closed] getsavepath with initialdir doesnt work sometimes

i think there is some error here… i have a simple line of code

getSavePath initialDir:“C:\Magic\”

this fails to work on my machine occasionally. it opens up with mydocuments dir selected i tried it on another machine and works fine with the initial dir as default selected…

anyone come across this ?

3 Replies

that is a weird one! have you tried it just like this:

getSavePath initialDir:"C:\\Magic"

theoretically it shouldnt make a difference but if it were me i’d try it anyway. I’d also try storing the path in a variable first, and then passing that to the getSavePath function

I’ve had problems like this as well, but Gravey is correct, try that!

i tried that and still the same… its not always though, occasionally this doesnt work… which is very annoying…