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[Closed] getSavePath no longer returns path?

I have an old script i wrote for 3ds max 8

in it i used getSavePath to return a location for the script to operate on

now when i run th script in max2010 all it returns is “”

has something changed in getSavePath ?

5 Replies

Works fine here.

 	local savePath = getSavePath()
 	print savePath

tried this:

local savePath = getSavePath()
messagebox (“your path is ” + savePath)

still getting ” ” and tried it on 2 different machines
could it be something to do with administrator privaliges? i dont have them on the machine

i think this is a known issue that max2010 service pack 1 sorts out.

ah sounds like we have a contender, is there a way to ceck on a machine to see if SP1 is installed?

problem solved, there is a little application everyone is running here called filebox which causes get save path to not work, wrote a check to see if the process is running and kill it