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[Closed] getinstance for external files?

As I go on with my script for searching missing files I try to replace all missing assets by getClassInstances
method because it,s fast by the other hand atpos is slow and sometime cause max crash. I tracked and replaced missing bitmaps
by reaching it by getClassInstances bitmaptexture and it’s very transparent way. Now I`m trying use this same method to
reach and replace xaf files,pointcahe, skinfiles etc. but I don’t know how to do it.
I tough it will be analogous to getClassInstances bitmaptexture like for example: getClassInstances prosound but it wont work this way.

I searched Objects classes and showclass () but I can’t found any way (or class)to get and set any different external files then bitmaps. Is there any way to getinstance for xaf, wav etc?