[Closed] getFileModDate on a ftp file?
hey guys,
I’m using a function to download a file from a serveur to my computer like this (not the whole code):
while not reader.EndOfStream do
local textline = reader.ReadLine()
FTP_NameFile = (filterstring (textline as string) ” “)
append FTP_ListFile FTP_NameFile
webClient.downloadfile theUri theFile
it works pretty well. I can read the file in local to see it the name already exists and download the file if it doesn’t.
I’d like to check the modification date to be more precise. In local it’s pretty easy, we can use getFileModDate(), but does it work online with dotnet?
I need a little help here
In case if you need to check modification date of multiple files in remote directory read this answer on stackoverflow
otherwise it is quite trivial to use .net from maxscript
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27604772/how-to-get-the-last-modified-date-of-files-on-ftp-server
-- Uri serverUri = new Uri("ftp://mypath/myfile.txt");
-- FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create (serverUri);
-- request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetDateTimestamp;
-- FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse ();
-- DateTime lastModifiedDate = response.LastModified;
url = "ftp://ftp.matrox.com/robots.txt"
uri = dotNetObject "system.uri" url
wr = (dotNetClass "System.Net.WebRequest").create uri
wr.method = (dotNetClass "System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp").GetDateTimestamp
response = wr.GetResponse()
Thanks for your answer. I read the article but I cannot make it work… Here’s my code:
local Uri = dotnetObject “System.Uri” (“ftp://myserver.com/_DATA/”)
local req = (dotnetclass “system.net.webrequest”).create (Uri)
local FTP_NameFile = “”
local FTP_ListFile = #()
req.credentials = dotnetObject "System.Net.NetworkCredential" mylogin mypassword
req.timeout = 10000
req.method = "LIST"
req.UsePassive = true
req.KeepAlive = false
local response = req.getresponse()
local responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()
local reader = dotnetobject "System.IO.StreamReader" responseStream
--get all the files in the folder
while not reader.EndOfStream do
--gives: "-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin osf 16839 Oct 13 08:59 image.jpg"
local textline = reader.ReadLine()
--only keep the name file (ex: image.jpg)
FTP_NameFile = (filterstring (textline as string) " ")
FTP_NameFile = FTP_NameFile[FTP_NameFile.count]
--add the file to the array
append FTP_ListFile FTP_NameFile
--try to print the last modified date of each file
for i = 1 to FTP_ListFile.count do
local NewUri = dotnetObject "System.Uri" ("ftp://myserver.com/_DATA/"+FTP_ListFile[i])
request = (dotnetclass "system.net.webrequest").create (NewUri)
request.Method = (dotnetclass "system.net.webrequest").Ftp.GetDateTimestamp
response = request.GetResponse()
--print it
print (response.LastModified) as string
Thank you for your help
Note: I cannot parse the reader.ReadLine() because it doesn’t give me the year…
maybe because of this?
(dotnetclass “system.net.webrequest”).Ftp.GetDateTimestamp
– Unknown property: “Ftp” in dotNetClass:System.Net.WebRequest
-- ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/control/5col/
local ftp = "ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/control/5col/"
local Uri = dotnetObject "System.Uri" ftp
local req = (dotnetclass "system.net.webrequest").create (Uri)
local FTP_NameFile = ""
local FTP_ListFile = #()
-- req.credentials = dotnetObject "System.Net.NetworkCredential" mylogin mypassword
req.timeout = 5000
req.method = "LIST"
req.UsePassive = true
req.KeepAlive = false
local response = req.getresponse()
local responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()
local reader = dotnetobject "System.IO.StreamReader" responseStream
--get all the files in the folder
while not reader.EndOfStream do
--gives: "-rw-rw-r-- 1 admin osf 16839 Oct 13 08:59 image.jpg"
local textline = reader.ReadLine()
--only keep the name file (ex: image.jpg)
FTP_NameFile = (filterstring (textline as string) " ")
FTP_NameFile = FTP_NameFile[FTP_NameFile.count]
--add the file to the array
append FTP_ListFile FTP_NameFile
--try to print the last modified date of each file
for file in FTP_ListFile do
local NewUri = dotnetObject "System.Uri" (ftp + file)
request = (dotnetclass "system.net.webrequest").create NewUri
request.Method = (dotNetClass "System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp").GetDateTimestamp
response = request.GetResponse()
format "% : %\n" ((dotNetObject "system.string" file).padright 25) (response.LastModified.ToString())
5col.announce.gz : 20.03.1997 19:57:09
5col.forsale.gz : 20.03.1997 19:57:11
5col.general.gz : 20.04.1996 15:15:20
5col.gz : 23.08.1997 7:15:47
5col.org.hso.gz : 11.04.1997 17:49:27
5col.stamps.gz : 07.02.1998 22:49:22
Thank you but it doesn’t seem to work on my server; it throws me that error:
– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 1467; line: 43
– Runtime error: .NET runtime exception: The remote server returned an error: (530) Not logged in.
– MAXScript callstack:
– thread data: threadID:19708
– [stack level: 0]
– In file loop; filename: ; position: 1357; line: 41
– member of: anonymous codeblock
– Parameters:
– file: “addtofav_HOVER.jpg”
– Locals:
– request: dotNetObject:System.Net.FtpWebRequest
– file: “addtofav_HOVER.jpg”
– NewUri: dotNetObject:System.Uri
– Externals:
– owner: CodeBlock:anonymous
– response: dotNetObject:System.Net.FtpWebResponse
– ftp: “ftp://myserver.com/_ICON/”
The script gets all the files on the folder but once it’s in the for loop it crashes.
Note: I had to use this line btw
req.credentials = dotnetObject “System.Net.NetworkCredential” mylogin mypassword