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[Closed] Get Vertex Color from Mesh

Hi Guy,

i have a newbie question. I have look here at other Treads, but i don´t unterstand. How can i get a the Vertex Color of Vertex[24] from a Mesh?

my_color = my_mesh.getVertexcolor[24] ( don´t work )

hot chip

8 Replies

my_color = getVertColor my_mesh 24

hi AnoPrkl,

thank you for help. I have convert my Poly Object to a Mesh Object, but it comes a error message: “vertex index out of range”

for i=1 to vertex_anzahl do (

vertex_farbe = getVertColor th_mesh i


and what must i do, when my mesh is a editable Poly, because my mesh is a editable Poly Object.

hot chip

You can use,

$.SetVertexColor (color 128 128 128) #VertexColor

This is for an EditablePoly Object, but you have to be in sub-object level 1 I believe with the vertex selected, otherwise it doesn’t work.

Hope that helps.

hi matthew

thank you. How can i say Vertex 24 for example, and i must read all Vertex of Poly-Object and check if the Color Red, Green or Blue.

That command works on the selected vertex.

So you would loop through all the verts like…


local theMesh = selection[1]
setCommandPanelTaskMode #modify
subObjectLevel = 1

For v = 1 to theMesh.mesh.verts.count do
theMesh.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Vertex #{v}
local theVertColor = theMesh.getVertexColor #VertexColor
print theVertColor


Super It work´s. Thank you very much.

hot chip

[QUOTE=thorsten hartmann]
check MXS Help:
Editable_Poly Mapping Methods
Vertex Colors

the Vertex Color Channel is Map Channel #0

	n = converttopoly (box())
	polyop.setvertcolor n 0 #{1,4} red 
	polyop.setvertcolor n 0 #{2,5,7} blue 
	polyop.setvertcolor n 0 #{3} green 
	polyop.setvertcolor n 0 #{6,8} black
	format "red:%
" (polyop.getvertsbycolor n red 0 0 0 channel:0) 
	format "blue:%
" (polyop.getvertsbycolor n blue 0 0 0 channel:0) 
	format "green:%
" (polyop.getvertsbycolor n green 0 0 0 channel:0) 


Hi Denis,

thank you to the code. From time to time, i understand more and more.