[Closed] Get vertex color from map
Hi maxscripters,
I have an object with UV mapping, this object has a material with a map in the diffuse slot. I would like to get the color for each vertex from that map, how should I do it?
step #1:
we have to build faces of a vertex color channel the same as they are built in the texture map channel
can you do this yourself?
after that there are another four steps…
I can’t.
I know how to set and get vertex color of a vertex, I just need to get this color from map considering the uv coords.
i exactly know what you need. but you have to match the vertex channel topology with the texture map channel first.
Okay, but how to do it?
I came up with an idea to use Assign Vertex Colors from utilities, is it possible to execute it via maxscript? It does exactly what I need.
well… i can put here the code what you want. you will copy and paste it into yours code… tool… homework…
fine… but before that could you answer me a question… what is the default vertex channel number?
here is a first step
mapped fn copyMapChannelTopology node sourceChannel:0 targetChannel:1 = if iskindof node Editable_Poly do
if (polyop.getmapsupport node targetChannel) do
polyop.setmapsupport node sourceChannel on
polyop.defaultmapfaces node sourceChannel
polyop.setnummapverts node sourceChannel (polyop.getnummapverts node targetChannel)
num = polyop.getnumfaces node
for f=1 to num do polyop.setmapface node sourceChannel f (polyop.getmapface node targetChannel f)
update node
and there is the next step
fn bakeStandardMaterial node mat: sourceChannel:0 targetChannel:1 = if iskindof node Editable_Poly do
if mat == unsupplied do mat = node.mat
if iskindof mat Standard and iskindof (bmp = try(mat.diffusemap.bitmap) catch()) Bitmap do
if (polyop.getmapsupport node targetChannel) and (polyop.getmapsupport node targetChannel) do
num = polyop.getnumfaces node
for f=1 to num while not keyboard.escpressed do
vv = polyop.getmapface node targetChannel f
for v in vv do
tv = polyop.getmapvert node targetChannel v
cc = getpixels bmp [(mod (tv.x + 1.0) 1.0)*bmp.width, (mod (2.0 - tv.y) 1.0)*bmp.height] 1
polyop.setmapvert node sourceChannel v (cc[1] as point4)
setCVertMode node on
setShadeCVerts node on
node.vertexColorType = #map_channel
node.vertexColorMapChannel = sourceChannel
update node
the code has to be optimized but i left it to you…
Ok, but what if I don’t have a bitmap in diffuseMap? Is there an universal method for every kind of map?
My biggest problem now is to get a color from any kind of texture map, let’s say that I have an checker map in my diffuse channel, I choose one face, calculate barycentric coords of some point in this face and want to get the color at that point from this checker map, I already know how to do it with bitmap.
you can render any TextureMap to Bitmap using renderMap (see mxs help for details)