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[Closed] get selected mtl from Slate Material Editor

I solved the delete problem on rollout by using theHold as Denis said, but still got the a bug if I try the #sme_node. Anyway thanks a lot guys you’re my heroes

rollout testRollout "CGS rollout"
	button btnRun "run"

	function setHold =
	if (theHold.holding() == false) do

	function getHold sTag =
	if (theHold.holding() == true) do
	theHold.accept sTag
	fn sme_getSelectedNodes _return:#sme_nodes = 
		   local viewNode = sme.GetView (sme.activeView)
		   local view = trackViewNodes[#sme][(]
		   if view.numsubs > 0 do
				allMats = for n = 1 to view.numsubs collect view[n].reference
				getHold "material manipulation"
				names = for n = 1 to view.numsubs collect (view[n] ; max undo
				if _return == #sme_mats then (for n in allMats where findItem names == 0 collect n)
				else (for n = 1 to viewNode.GetNumNodes() where findItem names (smeNode = viewNode.GetNode n).name == 0 collect smeNode)
	on btnRun pressed do 
		res = sme_getSelectedNodes _return:#sme_node
		print res
) -- end rollout testRollout

createDialog testRollout width:175 height:100

Very interesting thread!! I’m dabling with Slate and Maxscript these days too.

So, what’s the use of #(<MixinInterface:Node>, <MixinInterface:Node>) ? I mean, I can get the name of a material by putting a .name on a variable assigned to the above matrix, but is that all? Can’t one access something else like a materials’ opacity value, or diffuse map?


Hi, I tried to get materials form selected Nodes in SME for for some time… Finally I got it working with:

	viewNode = sme.GetView (sme.activeView)
	smeSelMats = #()
	for n = 1 to trackViewNodes[#sme][(sme.activeView)].numSubs do (
		m = trackViewNodes[#sme][(sme.activeView)][n].reference 
		b = viewNode.GetNodeByRef m
		if b.selected and superclassof m == material do append smeSelMats m
	print smeSelMats


works for max 2014 and over, but not 2012
see page 2 if you want the solution for max 2012.

anyway, thank you for the input

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