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[Closed] get maps aplied to modifiers

Is there any universal way to get all types of maps applied to all modifiers that may support maps?

If possible – without getclassInstances.

23 Replies
fn getMaps node = (
	local maps = #()	
	for i=1 to node.modifiers.count do (	
		for p in getpropnames node.modifiers[i] do (			
			pp = (getproperty node.modifiers[i] p)						
			case of (				
				(classof pp == bitmap): 		  append maps pp				
				(classof pp == bitmaptexture):	  append maps pp
				(superclassof pp == texturemap):  append maps pp				
	makeuniquearray maps

don’t know if it’s universal enough

usedMaps <modifier>

Oh, thax!
the thing is that usedMaps <modifier> doesn’t give maps with missing files (correct me if I’m wrong).

I need to compare now serejah’s method with
enumeratefiles <modifier> AddMap
enumeratefiles <modifier> AddMap #missing

which method is faster for very big scenes.

	st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
	fn getMaps = 
		local maps = #()	
		for obj in geometry where obj.modifiers.count != 0 do
			for i=1 to obj.modifiers.count do 
				append maps (usedMaps obj.modifiers[i])
		makeuniquearray maps
	m = getMaps()
	format "usedMaps <modifier>:%ms ram:%	
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)
	--for s in m do print s	
	st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
	fn getMaps = 
		local maps = #()	
		for obj in geometry where obj.modifiers.count != 0 do
			for i=1 to obj.modifiers.count do 
				for p in getpropnames obj.modifiers[i] do 
					pp = (getproperty obj.modifiers[i] p)						
					case of 
						(classof pp == bitmap): 		  append maps pp				
						(classof pp == bitmaptexture):	  append maps pp
						(superclassof pp == texturemap):  append maps pp				
		makeuniquearray maps
	m = getMaps()
	format "getpropnames <modifier>:%ms ram:%	
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree) 
	--for s in m do print s.filename
	st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
	local mapfiles=#()

	fn AddMap mapfile = 
		append mapfiles mapfile
	fn getMaps = 
		for obj in geometry where obj.modifiers.count != 0 do
			for s in obj.modifiers do 
				enumeratefiles s AddMap
				enumeratefiles s AddMap #missing
		makeuniquearray mapfiles
	m = getMaps()
	format "enumeratefiles <modifier>:%ms ram:%	
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree) 
	--for s in m do print s

in one of my heaviest scenes I have such result:

usedMaps        <modifier>:6122ms  ram:897552L	
getpropnames  <modifier>:10895ms ram:27513360L	
enumeratefiles  <modifier>:23322ms ram:7120L	

usedMaps is fastest, but unfortunatelly it doesn’t give missing maps.
But this is really slow for my needs. and here I still don’t scan maps from lights

In my case I have a lot of instances, and if I exclude instances, then I get such result:

	st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
	fn getMaps = 
		local maps = #()
		local AllInstances=#()	
		for obj in geometry where obj.modifiers.count != 0 and (FindItem AllInstances obj)==0 do
			for i=1 to obj.modifiers.count do 
				append maps (usedMaps obj.modifiers[i])
			InstanceMgr.GetInstances obj &instances
			join AllInstances instances
		makeuniquearray maps
	m = getMaps()
	format "usedMaps <modifier>:%ms ram:%	
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree)
	--for s in m do print s	
	st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
	fn getMaps = 
		local maps = #()
		local AllInstances=#()
		for obj in geometry where obj.modifiers.count != 0 and (FindItem AllInstances obj)==0 do
			for i=1 to obj.modifiers.count do 
				for p in getpropnames obj.modifiers[i] do 
					pp = (getproperty obj.modifiers[i] p)						
					case of 
						(classof pp == bitmap): 		  append maps pp				
						(classof pp == bitmaptexture):	  append maps pp
						(superclassof pp == texturemap):  append maps pp				
			InstanceMgr.GetInstances obj &instances
			join AllInstances instances
		makeuniquearray maps
	m = getMaps()
	format "getpropnames <modifier>:%ms ram:%	
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree) 
	--for s in m do print s.filename
	st = timestamp(); sh = heapfree
	local mapfiles=#()

	fn AddMap mapfile = 
		append mapfiles mapfile
	fn getMaps = 
		local AllInstances=#()
		for obj in geometry where obj.modifiers.count != 0 and (FindItem AllInstances obj)==0 do
			for s in obj.modifiers do 
				enumeratefiles s AddMap
				enumeratefiles s AddMap #missing
			InstanceMgr.GetInstances obj &instances
			join AllInstances instances
		makeuniquearray mapfiles
	m = getMaps()
	format "enumeratefiles <modifier>:%ms ram:%	
" (timestamp()-st) (sh-heapfree) 
	--for s in m do print s

usedMaps       <modifier>:  5788ms ram:118680L	
getpropnames <modifier>:  2087ms ram:3187064L	
enumeratefiles <modifier>: 1603ms ram:52408L	

is it possible in Serejah’s method not to iterate through all propNames, somehow with

(isProperty map #filename)

in order to make things faster?

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Posts: 0
enumeratefiles <modifier>: 1603ms ram:52408L	

it’s fast enough. the task doesn’t need ‘real-time’ solution.
the good thing is that you can ‘entertain’ your user by a simple progress bar during the search

what do your try to find? filenames, or texturemaps, or bitmaps?

with using of enumerateFiles you loosing the information where a texture was found (in case you want to replace it for example).

the best is to get the map and then to get the texture from it. But if this takes time, then it is enough to get only

the object

modifier name where the texture is applied

texture itself.

I get this object and modifiers name, no problem. the question is about speed.

#maps also, but only if it is faster and lower memory if slowest then no need.

I think there are a lot of modifiers that do not support maps with textures, and a lot that support. why should I enumerate for those that do not have such features?
is there any way to check if a certain modifier has such option?

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