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[Closed] get listview items from max ui

I´m trying to get the text of the items of a listview. I think i have to use the LVM_GETITEMTEXT message:
But i cant figure out how to create the LVITEM structure and send it as an argument.
This is my code at the moment:

actionMan.executeAction 0 "59226"  -- Customize User Interface
 cuiw_handle = (windows.getChildHWND 0 ("Customize User Interface"))[1]   -- get the handle of the dialog
 childhandles = UIAccessor.GetChildWindows cuiw_handle		-- get the handles of the ui elements in the dialog
 LVM_SCROLL = 4116
 windows.sendMessage childhandles[220] LVM_SCROLL 0 500		-- scroll the listview to check if the handle is correct
 itemclass = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"
 windows.sendMessage childhandles[220] LVM_GETITEMTEXT 0 itemclass		-- try to get the text on the items

Does someone know how to use the LVM_GETITEMTEXT message in maxscript?