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[Closed] Get knot position for spline base object. Is it possible?
Oct 07, 2013 2:20 pm
Is it possible to get the position of knot for spline base object. What I mean:
- create a line
- select it(if it is not)
- execute this:
getKnotPoint $.baseobject 1 1
MAX returns
– No ““getKnotPoint”” function for Line
Why I need this – if the spline have FFD 2x2x2 modifier I want to get the position of the knots without:
- colapse the stack
- create a copy of the spline and convert it to editable spline
4 Replies
Oct 07, 2013 2:20 pm
use getPointPos
for splines every knot corresponds to three points – in_tangent, point, and out_tangent.
2 Replies