[Closed] Geometrical calculations : points, lines, planes : intersections, distances, angles
The code I use for doing a look-at type operation is:
fn PointAxisAt a which_axis b =
local c = normalize (b - a)
local angle = acos (dot which_axis c)
local axis = normalize (cross which_axis c)
local out = (angleaxis angle axis) as quat
a = $Pyramid01.position
b = $Point01.position
q = PointAxisAt a z_axis b
r = q * (inverse $Pyramid01.rotation)
rotate $Pyramid01 r
THought this might be the best topic to post it:
I have this camera data:
And this for the angle:
this is how they calculated the angle:
angle = camera_target – camera
angle = normalize angle
anglex = angle.x
angley = angle.y
anglez = angle.z
how would i go about transforming the angle from this data?
how can i create a target or free camera from this?
I prefer to rename “angle” in “direction” because the angle can remind the angle of the camera (fov)
thePos = [posx,posy,posz]
theDirection = [directionx,directiony,directionz]
theLength = 100.0
theTargetPos = thePos + ((normalize theDirection)*theLength)
myCam = targetCamera pos:thePos target:(targetObject pos:theTargetPos)
Regrettably your data are not complete : the camera’s FOV is missing.
Thanks for your reply but i already solved it. I did it slightly different though:
camera_target_position = point3 (posx + directionx10) (posy + directiony10) (posz + directionz*10)
Which returns the correct ‘direction’.
Oh and you dont need a FOV to create a camera, it uses default setting when you leave it out.
I just wanna give you two link for resources about geometry (intersections , distance computations etc):
http://www.softsurfer.com (algorithms section)
Hope this helps
Great thread! Seeing basic concepts as code snippets is fantastic!
I do think that the posting of questions (as opposed to answers) clutters the “repository” feel, though. For those asking (new and unrelated) questions wouldn’t it be more helpful to start and finish a new thread, THEN post (a concise answer) here?
This is being transferred to the CGWiki bit by bit, so the information can be kept clean:
Hy all,
I am new at maxscript and I want to calculate the shortest distance between a vertex in a skin and a bone. Can someone help me?
ok, i modified pretty pixel’s code and got this:
fn pointSegmentDist pA pB pC =
local vAB=pB-pA
local vAC=pC-pA
local vBC=pC-PB
local c1=dot vAB vAC
local c2=dot vAB vAB
if c1 < 0 do
return length vAC
if c2 < c1 do
return length vBC
(length (cross vAB vAC))/(length vAB)
not sure if it is 100% correct, i have other issues but will start a new thread for that.
The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants can be downloaded here as PDF:
This is the ‘definitve book’ about L-Systems (see also Challenge #16).
Sometimes you can find a printed version in ‘antique shops’ – get it!
I ordered mine some weeks ago, hope it arrives soon …
this is a maxscript version of Robert Penners Easing Equotations for Flash:
struct rpEFn (
-- ---
-- Easing Equotations by Robert Penner
-- http://www.robertpenner.com/
-- The BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
-- ---
-- maxScript port by Georg Duemlein
-- 2007-04-18
-- http://www.preset.de
-- ---
-- previews: http://www.gizma.com/easing/
-- ---
-- t: current time
-- b: start value
-- c: end value
-- d: duration
-- ---
-- simple linear tweening - no easing, no acceleration
fn linearTween t b c d = (
c*t/d + b
-- quadratic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
fn easeInQuad t b c d = (
t /= d
c*t*t + b
-- quadratic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
fn easeOutQuad t b c d = (
t /= d
-c * t * (t-2) + b
-- quadratic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
fn easeInOutQuad t b c d = (
t /= d/2
if (t < 1) then (
c / 2 * t * t + b
-c / 2 * (t* (t - 2) - 1) + b
-- cubic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
fn easeInCubic t b c d = (
t /= d
c*t*t*t + b
-- cubic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
fn easeOutCubic t b c d = (
t /= d
c*(t*t*t + 1) + b
-- cubic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
fn easeInOutCubic t b c d = (
t /= d/2
if (t < 1) then (
c/2*t*t*t + b
t -= 2
c/2*(t*t*t + 2) + b
-- quartic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
fn easeInQuart t b c d = (
t /= d
c*t*t*t*t + b
-- quartic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
fn easeOutQuart t b c d = (
t /= d
t -= 1
-c * (t*t*t*t - 1) + b
-- quartic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
fn easeInOutQuart t b c d = (
t /= d/2
if (t < 1) then(
c/2*t*t*t*t + b
t -= 2
-c/2 * (t*t*t*t - 2) + b
-- quintic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
fn easeInQuint t b c d = (
t /= d
c*t*t*t*t*t + b
-- quintic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
fn easeOutQuint t b c d = (
t /= d
t -= 1
c*(t*t*t*t*t + 1) + b
-- quintic easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
fn easeInOutQuint t b c d = (
t /= d/2
if (t < 1) then (
c/2*t*t*t*t*t + b
t -= 2
c/2*(t*t*t*t*t + 2) + b
-- sinusoidal easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
fn easeInSine t b c d = (
-c * cos (t/d * (180 / 2)) + c + b
-- sinusoidal easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
fn easeOutSine t b c d = (
c * sin (t/d * 90) + b
-- sinusoidal easing in/out - accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
fn easeInOutSine t b c d = (
-c/2 * (cos(180 * t/d) - 1) + b
-- exponential easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
fn easeInExpo t b c d = (
c * pow 2 (10 * (t/d - 1)) + b
-- exponential easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
fn easeOutExpo t b c d = (
c * (-pow 2 (-10 * t/d) + 1 ) + b
-- exponential easing in/out - accelerating until halfway, then decelerating
fn easeInOutExpo t b c d = (
t /= d/2
if (t < 1) then (
c / 2 * pow 2 (10. * (t - 1)) + b
t -= 1
c / 2 * (-pow 2 (-10. * t) + 2 ) + b
-- circular easing in - accelerating from zero velocity
fn easeInCirc t b c d = (
t /= d
-c * (sqrt(1 - t*t) - 1) + b
-- circular easing out - decelerating to zero velocity
fn easeOutCirc t b c d = (
t /= d
t -= 1
c * sqrt(1 - t*t) + b
-- circular easing in/out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
fn easeInOutCirc t b c d = (
t /= d/2
if (t < 1) then (
-c/2. * (sqrt(1. - t*t) - 1.) + b
t -= 2
c/2. * (sqrt(1. - t*t) + 1.) + b
-- sample
d = 50.
t = 0.
while t < d do (
v1 = v2 = v3 = 0
v1 = rpEFn.linearTween t 0. 100. d
v2 = rpEFn.easeInOutQuad t 1. 100. d
v3 = rpEFn.easeInOutQuad t 0. 1. (d/2)
sp = sphere pos:[v1, 0, v2] radius:(.5 + v3)
sp.wirecolor = [255,255,255] * v3
-- ---
t += .5
max zoomext sel all
maybe this is usefull for somebody
I found this API documentation:
and c is the “total change in the animation property”.
I also recomend the “Tweening chapter of my book” at Robert Penners site.
I just started reading it and it explains a lot.