[Closed] generate a bitmap and assign it to an object as diffuse
I’m trying to generate a UVW snapshot of a new mesh, save it as a png,
then assign it to that mesh as a diffuse texture.
the problem is I want to avoid overwriting any meditmaterial slots already in use.
fn assignUvwAsDiffuse obj textureFilePath=
addModifier obj UV_map
UV_map.renderuv_width = 256
UV_map.renderuv_height = 256
UV_map.unwrap5.renderUV filePath
format " created: %" textureFilePath
--create a bitmap texure to hold it
uvwBitmap = bitmaptexture filename:envObjects.shadowTextureFilePath
I chose meditMaterials[24] arbitrarily, so as not to mess up any pre-existing scene materials.
But there’s no guarantee that meditMaterials[24] is free for this operation. How can I avoid overwriting meditMaterials that alreayd exist in scene?
[color=Silver]Use this as reference of how to assign a material to an object without affecting the Material Editor
selection[1].material = standardMaterial diffuseMap:(Bitmaptexture fileName:usersimage) showInViewport:true
the code you provided works, but I need the artists will want to access the material in the material editor after this process. So it seems I’m back at square one.
thanks again. I did not see that in the compact material editor…
perhaps you can help with this:
I’d like to store a material (or a reference to a material) as a variable so I can assign it to many objects, but I’m new to this end of MAx script.
myMaterial = standardMaterial name:myMaterial showInViewport:true
-- Unable to convert: undefined to type: String
Edit: duh, for got to put qoutes around my string
myMaterial = standardMaterial name: "myMaterial" showInViewport:true
Open the Material Editor and press the Get Material button. Then you will find Scene Materials in the new window that will shows up.
local myMaterial = standardMaterial name: "myMaterial" showInViewport:true
-- assign the material to selected objects
for o in selection do o.material = myMaterial
-- or to objects in array
objArr = #($Box01, $Teapot01, $Sphere01)
for o in objArr do o.material = myMaterial
-- assign the material to selected objects
selection.material = myMaterial
-- or to objects in array
#($Box01, $Teapot01, $Sphere01).material = myMaterial