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[Closed] Functions with Out Parameters

Is it possible to write your own maxscript function with a set of Out Parameters?

5 Replies

You can pass arguments by reference using ‘&’

Ah yes, makes sense now…

	fn testFunction &param &param2 =
		param = 4
		param2 = 8
	testFunction &testVal &testVal2
	print testVal
	print testVal2

I find this style not very intuitive, I try to avoid it whenever possible.

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Me neither, I don’t like using with things like the layermanager…One of our guys was asking me how it worked and I was trying to find a way to explain what was going on under the hood. I generally prefer to pre-declare the variables so it reads a bit easier.

	fn testFunction &param &param2 =
		param = 4
		param2 = 8
        testVal = 0
        testVal2 = 0

	testFunction &testVal &testVal2
	print testVal
	print testVal2

there some value types in the MXS which are ‘pointers’… they can be used as out arguments with no using the &

a = #("b","a")
 fn sortArray arr = (sort a)
 sortArray a
 format "%
" a
 a = point3 1 2 3
 fn incrementPoint3 p = 
 	for k=1 to 3 do p[k] += 1
 incrementPoint3 a
 format "%
" a
 struct range (start = 0.0, end = 1.0)
 a = range 100 200
 fn doubleRange d = 
 	d.start *= 2
 	d.end *= 2
 doubleRange a
 format "%
" a
 a = orange 
 fn swapRB c = 
 	swap c.r c.b
 swapRB a
 format "%
" a