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[Closed] Force Update every frame?

Is there a way to run a script but then have it update every frame?

What I want to do is quite simple – just have a camera moving along a path with a path constraint controller, and then have a text object which has as it’s .text property the current percentage of the camera along the path.

I have all this set up already, but it only updates the text object when I re-run the script. Any way to have it constantly update so for instance when I drag the timeline and the camera moves, the text changes along with it in realtime?


3 Replies

you may use callbacks mechanism.

Thanks Ravindra, I guess it’s about time I looked these bad boys up.

The .text property of a text object can not be animated (directly). Basically you create a script controller on the kearning property (this can be animated) of the text object. The script controller will update the text property based on the animation of the kearning property. Check the maxscript tutorials. Look for animated text, or render animated text. It can be used to display frame numbers on a camera during a render, or during a preview. If you have Max 2010 the viewport text obscures the frame count.

I hope this helps,
