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[Closed] fn DifferenceArrays ArrayOne ArrayTwo
Jul 10, 2008 11:27 pm
I wrote an array difference function which seems to be working. Anybody see a reason why it shouldn’t work?
fn DifferenceArrays ArrayOne ArrayTwo =
Diff = for o in ArrayOne where (finditem ArrayTwo o) == 0 collect o
join Diff (for o in ArrayTwo where (finditem ArrayOne o) == 0 collect o)
ArrayOneS = for a in ArrayOne collect a as string
ArrayTwoS = for a in ArrayTwo collect a as string
for i = Diff.count to 1 by -1 where (a = finditem ArrayOneS (Diff[i] as string)) > 0 and (b = finditem ArrayTwoS (Diff[i] as string)) > 0 do
if (classof ArrayOne[a] == classof ArrayTwo[b]) do
deleteitem Diff i
return diff
EDIT: Added Classof check to ensure that one wasn’t already a string version of a different class.
1 Reply
Jul 10, 2008 11:27 pm
Figured that I might want just the difference of one array instead of two. So I split it up into two function and created a “union” function which operates on the same general principle.
fn getArrayDifference ArrayOne ArrayTwo =
Diff = for o in ArrayOne where (finditem ArrayTwo o) == 0 collect o
ArrayTwoS = for a in ArrayTwo collect a as string
for i = Diff.count to 1 by -1 where (b = finditem ArrayTwoS (Diff[i] as string)) > 0 do
if (classof Diff[i] == classof ArrayTwo[b]) do
deleteitem Diff i
return diff
fn getAllArrayDifference ArrayOne ArrayTwo =
Diff = for o in ArrayOne where (finditem ArrayTwo o) == 0 collect o
join Diff (for o in ArrayTwo where (finditem ArrayOne o) == 0 collect o)
ArrayOneS = for a in ArrayOne collect a as string
ArrayTwoS = for a in ArrayTwo collect a as string
for i = Diff.count to 1 by -1 where (a = finditem ArrayOneS (Diff[i] as string)) > 0 and (b = finditem ArrayTwoS (Diff[i] as string)) > 0 do
if (classof ArrayOne[a] == classof ArrayTwo[b]) do
deleteitem Diff i
return diff
fn getArrayUnion ArrayOne ArrayTwo =
UnionArray = #()
Diff = #()
for o in ArrayOne do
if (finditem ArrayTwo o) != 0 then
append UnionArray o
append Diff o
ArrayTwoS = for a in ArrayTwo collect a as string
for i = 1 to Diff.count where (b = finditem ArrayTwoS (Diff[i] as string)) > 0 do
if (classof Diff[i] == classof ArrayTwo[b]) do
append UnionArray Diff[i]
Return UnionArray