[Closed] Flame Spawner
Hi there,
Here is my flame spawner setup that I made with pflow and a little scripting inside it. The pflow source just generates a heap of particles with no motion on them so they are just sitting there and then I have a space warp move around and as soon as a particle collides with my space warp, it spawns the particles constantly from that point for the rest of the animation. A wind modifier then controls the height of the flame as you can see in the end they die away, I have just animated the strength of the wind. The good thing about the space warp spawing the particles is that you can suddenly scale it alot over a few key frames to give the look of a sudden burst into flames.
I am pretty happy with what it does, excuse the movie it plays a little fast, my animation skills leave alot to be desired!!
All the best,
Me again,
Couldn’t help myself and made another animation
yeah sure, i saved over my original file but this is the rendered version of the second wire movie i posted.
http://users.tpg.com.au/walkaz/test/flames.mov (900KB)
Its using afterburn for the flames so they aren’t great but i still think it looks kinda cool. If the particles were used by a more suitable plugin, I think you would get great results.