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[Closed] Finding broken vertex colors

Hey guys, what would be the best way to find out broken vertex colors per vertex on a given object and then assign it a color of my choice…

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what is a broken vertex color?

sorry for being so vague, I want to pick out verts with colors that don’t blend (similar to applying a color to a selected face)

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

let me guess… are you talking about geo vertices those share multiple vertex colors?

are we talking about the editable mesh or poly?

Hi denis, yes if thats the term for that…working with editable poly but i can work with editable mesh too if easier that way…

  poly = 
  	delete objects
  	max create mode
  	-- Make a sample poly node:
  	with redraw off 
  		b = box lengthsegs:5 widthsegs:5 heightsegs:5 length:10 width:10 height:10 mapcoords:on 
  		setCVertMode b on
  		setShadeCVerts b on
  		converttopoly b
  		vc = #(red, green, blue)
  		seed 1
  		for f=1 to b.numfaces do polyop.setfacecolor b 0 f vc[random 1 vc.count]
  		update b
  	struct vpoly (node, verts)
  	struct vdata (index, tverts = #(), vcolors = #(), unique = on)		
  	verts = #()
  	verts.count = b.numverts
  	for f=1 to b.numfaces do
  		vv = polyop.getfaceverts b f
  		tv = polyop.getmapface b 0 f
  		for k=1 to vv.count do
  			if verts[vv[k]] == undefined do verts[vv[k]] = vdata index:vv[k]
  			d = verts[vv[k]]
  			append d.tverts tv[k]
  			c = polyop.getmapvert b 0 tv[k]
  			if d.vcolors.count > 0 and d.unique and (finditem d.vcolors c) == 0 do d.unique = off
  			append d.vcolors c
  	vpoly node:b verts:verts
  fn getUniqueVerts data = 
  	vv = #{}
  	for v in data where v.unique do append vv v.index
  fn getBrokenVerts data = 
  	vv = #{}
  	for v in data where not v.unique do append vv v.index
 -- Find [b][i]Broken [/i][/b]verts
  vv = getBrokenVerts poly.verts
  poly.node.selectedverts = vv 
  format "unique:%
" vv
  max modify mode
  select poly.node
  setselectionlevel poly.node #vertex 
  fn getAverageVertexColor vert = 
  	vc = [0,0,0]
  	for c in vert.vcolors do vc += c
  	((vc/vert.vcolors.count)  as point4) as color
  /* -- [b][i]Average [/i][/b]Vertex colors:
  for v in poly.verts do polyop.setvertcolor poly.node 0 v.index (getAverageVertexColor v)
  update poly.node

any questions are welcome.

Sweet… Thanks denis i can work with this. Will shout out if i get stuck.