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[Closed] Find visual center of contour/polygon

What I am trying to achieve is to find a visual center of a closed shape(polygon).
Maybe the best approach is this one:

Here is the source code:

I have spent some time to “convert” the javascript version into maxscript version, but I don’t get the same result as the original code.
Red points are the result I have:

I am pretty sure that my code is not “converted” properly.

There are few c# implementations of the Polylabel:

So, my question is – can these c# versions be “converted” so to be used inside maxscript?

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Did you try the original js code with your points data? Does it produce the result you would expect?
You can compile it in maxscript as usual and use PolyLabel.GetPoleOfInaccessibility method. It expects two arrays of X and Y polygon point coords and the precision value.
Guess it would be easier to convert that to maxscript then the original js version.

void Main()
	var x = new double[]{-137.422, -62.9051, 6.80396, 127.393, 128.194, 69.3018, -0.807953, -50.0851, -58.0976, -6.0161, 65.2955, 123.787, 178.673, 170.66, 134.203, 28.4378, -68.1133, -133.415};
	var y = new double[]{22.4472, 93.3582, 112.188, 106.98, 67.3175, 70.5225, 65.7149, 41.6773, -10.0036, -40.0506, -2.39166, -10.8048, -88.5265, -143.412, -170.254, -162.642, -129.791, -41.2525};
	var pt = PolyLabel.GetPoleOfInaccessibility( x, y, 1.0f );
	Console.WriteLine( pt );

$Point_Helper:Point001 @ [16.486824,-100.195145,0.000000]


	public class MapPoint
		public double X;
		public double Y;
		public MapPoint( double x, double y )
			X = x; 
			Y = y;

// Define other methods and classes here
	public class Cell
        public double X { get; set; }
        public double Y { get; set; }
        public double Half { get; set; }
        public double Distance { get; set; }
        public double Max { get; set; }

        public Cell(double x, double y, double half, List<List<MapPoint>> polygon)
            X = x; 
            Y = y;
            Half = half; 
            Distance = Adjunct.PointToPolygonDistance(x, y, polygon);
            Max = Distance + Half * Math.Sqrt(2);

    public class CellMaxComparer : IComparer<Cell>
        public int Compare(Cell x, Cell y)
            return x.Max.CompareTo(y.Max);

    public static class Adjunct
        public static double PointToPolygonDistance(double x, double y, List<List<MapPoint>> polygon)
            bool inside = false;
            double minDistSq = double.MaxValue;

            for (int k = 0; k < polygon.Count; k++)
                List<MapPoint> ring = polygon[k];

                int count = ring.Count;
                int j = count - 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < count; j = i++)
                    MapPoint a = ring[i];
                    MapPoint b = ring[j];

                    if (((a.Y > y) != (b.Y > y)) && (x < ((b.X - a.X) * (y - a.Y) / (b.Y - a.Y + a.X))))
                        inside = !inside;

                    minDistSq = Math.Min(minDistSq, GetSegDistSq(x, y, a, b));
            return (inside ? 1 : -1) * Math.Sqrt(minDistSq);

        public static double GetSegDistSq(double px, double py, MapPoint a, MapPoint b)
            var x = a.X;
            var y = a.Y;
            var dx = b.X - x;
            var dy = b.Y - y;

            if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
                var t = ((px - x) * dx + (py - y) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy);

                if (t > 1)
                    x = b.X;
                    y = b.Y;

                else if (t > 0)
                    x += dx * t;
                    y += dy * t;

            dx = px - x;
            dy = py - y;

            return dx * dx + dy * dy;

    static class PolyLabel
		public static double[] GetPoleOfInaccessibility( double[] x, double[] y, float precision )
			var lst = new List<List<MapPoint>>{ new List<MapPoint>() };
			for ( int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++ )
				lst[0].Add( new MapPoint( x[i], y[i] ) );
			var result = PoleOfInaccessibility( lst, precision );
			return new double[]{ result.Item1, result.Item2  };
        public static Tuple<double, double> PoleOfInaccessibility(List<List<MapPoint>> polygon, double precision = 1.0, bool debug = false)
            double minY = double.MaxValue;
            double maxY = double.MinValue;
            double minX = double.MaxValue;
            double maxX = double.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < polygon[0].Count; i++)
                MapPoint p = polygon[0][i];
                if (p.X < minX) minX = p.X;
                if (p.Y < minY) minY = p.Y;
                if (p.X > maxX) maxX = p.X;
                if (p.Y > maxY) maxY = p.Y;

            double width = maxX - minX;
            double height = maxY - minY;
            double cellSize = Math.Min(width, height);
            double half = cellSize / 2;

            List<Cell> cellList = new List<Cell>();
            CellMaxComparer comp = new CellMaxComparer();

            if (cellSize == 0)
                return Tuple.Create<double, double>(minX, minY);

            for (double x = minX; x < maxX; x += cellSize)
                for (double y = minY; y < maxY; y += cellSize)
                    cellList.Add(new Cell(x + half, y + half, half, polygon));


            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("first sort"));
            cellList.ForEach(delegate (Cell queueCell)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", queueCell.X, queueCell.Y, queueCell.Half, queueCell.Distance, queueCell.Max));

            Cell bestCell = GetCentroidCell(polygon);

            Cell bboxCell = new Cell(minX + width / 2, minY + height / 2, 0, polygon);
            if (bboxCell.Distance > bestCell.Distance)
                bestCell = bboxCell;

            int numProbes = cellList.Count;

            while (cellList.Count != 0)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("cellQueue.Count = {0}", cellList.Count));

                cellList.ForEach(delegate (Cell queueCell)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", queueCell.X, queueCell.Y, queueCell.Half, queueCell.Distance, queueCell.Max));

                int i = cellList.Count - 1;

                Cell cell = cellList[i];


                if (cell.Distance > bestCell.Distance)
                    bestCell = cell;
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("found best {0} after {1} probes", Math.Round(1e4 * cell.Distance) / 1e4, numProbes));

                if (cell.Max - bestCell.Distance <= precision) continue;

                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("add four more"));

                half = cell.Half / 2;
                cellList.Add(new Cell(cell.X - half, cell.Y - half, half, polygon));
                cellList.Add(new Cell(cell.X + half, cell.Y - half, half, polygon));
                cellList.Add(new Cell(cell.X - half, cell.Y + half, half, polygon));
                cellList.Add(new Cell(cell.X + half, cell.Y + half, half, polygon));
                numProbes += 4;

            Console.WriteLine("num probes: " + numProbes);
            Console.WriteLine("best distance: " + bestCell.Distance);

            return Tuple.Create<double, double>(bestCell.X, bestCell.Y);
        public static Cell GetCentroidCell(List<List<MapPoint>> polygon)
            double area = 0;
            double x = 0;
            double y = 0;
            List<MapPoint> points = polygon[0];

            int count = points.Count;
            int j = count - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; j = i++)
                MapPoint a = points[i];
                MapPoint b = points[j];
                double f = a.X * b.Y - b.X * a.Y;
                x += (a.X + b.X) * f;
                y += (a.Y + b.Y) * f;
                area += f * 3;

            if (area == 0)
                return new Cell(points[0].X, points[0].Y, 0, polygon);

            return new Cell(x / area, y / area, 0, polygon);
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Yep. I have “converted” the original js code to maxscript. The image in my first post shows the result – not what I expect. But, I am pretty sure that this “conversion” is not right.

You can compile it. I can’t.

Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

just find any example of compiled on the fly .net class on this forum. User32 or anything like that…
You don’t need Main method so you can delete it.
Compile the source and access the method like this (dotnetclass “Test.PolyLabel”).GetPoleOfInaccessibility

here’s a .net playground. you can put your values to Main method to test if it really works

wish I could help but after looking at the c++ source, I’m ooot that’s just some nasty nasty coding. Look around for another implementation would be my suggestion.

There are few python implementation but in all of them the code is almost the same.

Thank you.
Tomorrow this will be the first think that I will do.

@Serejah, does the image you posted above is from the same code(polylabel) used inside 3ds max?
I am not sure, but I think that the proper point has to be the one marked with blue:

Or this is another way to solve the problem – finding the largest inscribed circle.

Totally agree with you. Maybe this c# version is not a great port of js version. You have to compare both of them with same values to see.
ps I didn’t compile it in max, just used the knot pos values from spline in .net playground to calc the coords

I haven’t done a pure MXS in a while, but let’s see if I’ve lost my skills

global MapBoxOps 
	struct MapBoxStruct 
		cell = 
			struct cell 
				FLT_MAX = 3.40282e+038,
			    SQRT2 = sqrt(2),

				h = 0, 
				d = 0, 
				maxdist = FLT_MAX,
				fn getSegDistSq p a b  =
					x = a.x
					y = a.y
					dx = b.x - x
					dy = b.y - y

					if (dx != 0 or dy != 0) do
						t = ((p.x - x) * dx + (p.y - y) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy)

						if (t > 1) then
							x = b.x
							y = b.y
						else if (t > 0) do 
							x += dx * t
							y += dy * t

					dx = p.x - x
					dy = p.y - y

					dx * dx + dy * dy
				fn pointToPolygonDist point polygon = 
					inside = false
					minDistSq = FLT_MAX

					for ring in polygon do
						for i = 1 to ring.count do
							a = ring[i]
							b = if i == ring.count then ring[1] else ring[i+1]
							if ((a.y > point.y) != (b.y > point.y) and (point.x < (b.x - a.x) * (point.y - a.y) / (b.y - a.y) + a.x)) do inside = not inside

							minDistSq = amin minDistSq (getSegDistSq point a b)

					(sqrt minDistSq) * (if inside then 1 else -1)
				fn getDist polygon = 
					d = pointToPolygonDist center polygon
					maxdist = d + h * SQRT2  --- here was a bug!
		bbox = 
			struct bbox 
				bmin = FLT_MAX * [1,1,1],
				bmax = -FLT_MAX * [1,1,1],
				fn size = (bmax - bmin)
		fn makeBBox points = 
			b = bbox()
			for p in points do for i=1 to 3 do 
				if p[i] < b.bmin[i] do b.bmin[i] = p[i]
				if p[i] > b.bmax[i] do b.bmax[i] = p[i]

		fn makeCell center h polygon = 
			c = cell center:center h:h
			c.getDist polygon

		fn getCentroidCell polygon =
			area = 0
			c  = [0,0,0]
			ring = polygon[1]
			for i = 1 to ring.count do
				a = ring[i]
				b = if i == ring.count then ring[1] else ring[i+1]
				f = a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y
				c.x += (a.x + b.x) * f
				c.y += (a.y + b.y) * f
				area += f * 3

			center = if area == 0 then ring[1] else c/area
			makeCell center 0 polygon
		fn cellSorter c1 c2 = if c1.maxdist < c2.maxdist then -1 else if c1.maxdist > c2.maxdist then 1 else 0,
		fn polyLabel polygon precision:1 debug:false =
			-- find the bounding box of the outer ring
			bb = makeBBox polygon[1]

			size = bb.size()
			cellSize = amin size.x size.y
			if (cellSize == 0) do return bb.bmin
			h = cellSize / 2

			-- a priority queue of cells in order of their "potential" (max distance to polygon)
			-- using cellSorter

			-- cover polygon with initial cells
			cells = #()
			for x = bb.bmin.x to bb.bmax.x by cellSize do
				for y = bb.bmin.y to bb.bmax.y by cellSize do 
					append cells (makeCell [x + h, y + h, 0] h polygon)

			-- take centroid as the first best guess
			bestCell = getCentroidCell polygon

			-- second guess: bounding box centroid
			bboxCell = makeCell (bb.bmin + size/2.0) 0 polygon
			if (bboxCell.d > bestCell.d) do
				bestCell = bboxCell

			numProbes = cells.count
			while cells.count != 0 do
				-- pick the most promising cell from the queue
				qsort cells cellSorter
				currCell = cells[cells.count]
				cells.count = cells.count - 1

				-- update the best cell if we found a better one
				if (currCell.d > bestCell.d) do
					bestCell = currCell
					if (debug) do format "found best % after % probes\n" currCell.d numProbes

				-- do not drill down further if there's no chance of a better solution
				if (currCell.maxdist - bestCell.d > precision) do
					-- split the cell into four cells
					h = currCell.h/2
					append cells (makeCell [ - h, - h, 0] h polygon)
					append cells (makeCell [ + h, - h, 0] h polygon)
					append cells (makeCell [ - h, + h, 0] h polygon)
					append cells (makeCell [ + h, + h, 0] h polygon)
					numProbes += 4

			if (debug) do
				format "num probes: %\n" numProbes 
				format "best distance: %\n" bestCell.d
	MapBoxOps = MapBoxStruct()

MapBoxOps.polyLabel <array><array of points>polygon

I didn’t do any optimization (just ported c++ code from the first post)… I’m sure it might be optimized

Talking about precision parameter in this algorithm… I guess that there is no reason to set it less than a half of minimum distance between two ring (spline) points. What do you think?

Thanks, Denis. It works!
Although the result depends on what coordspace we use (and it is expected).

I did ten 36° rotations to collect results and I guess the best result would be the average of these worldspace results? In this case precision shouldn’t matter much


Thank you, Denis.
Reading your code and using part of it I was able to fix mine. This is the difference, but it is essential:
qsort cellQueue cellSorter

Here is the results that I have – green points are generated from your code, yellow – from mine.

On the top shape I think that the yellow point is placed more correctly, but on the bottom shape the green point is placed more correctly.
The difference of placement is because in the js code which I have used the maxDist is calculated this way

maxdist = d + cellH * sqrt2

while, in your code it is calculated this way

maxdist = amax d (h * sqrt2)

Using the same calculation in both codes produces the same result.
I don’t know why but your code finds the green point in the bottom shape for ~1.1 sec, while the js version takes ~0.06 sec(using maxdist = d + cellH * sqrt2 ) and ~0.45 sec(using maxdist = amax d (h * sqrt2)).

Here is my version of the js code:

	function Get_seg_dist_sq px py a b =
		x = a.x
		y = a.y
		dx = b.x - x
		dy = b.y - y	
		if dx != 0 or dy != 0 do
			t = ((px - x) * dx + (py - y) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy)
			if t > 1 then
				x = b[1]
				y = b[2]
				if t > 0 do
					x += dx * t
					y += dy * t
		dx = px - x
		dy = py - y
		dx * dx + dy * dy
	function PointToPolygonDist x y polygon =
		inside = false
		min_dist_sq = 1e9		
		for k = 1 to polygon.count do
			a = polygon[k]
			b = if k == polygon.count then polygon[1] else polygon[k + 1]
			if ((a[2] > y) != (b[2] > y) and (x < (b[1] - a[1]) * (y - a[2]) / (b[2] - a[2]) + a[1])) do
				inside = not inside
			min_dist_sq = amin #(min_dist_sq, Get_seg_dist_sq x y a b)
		result = sqrt (min_dist_sq)
		if not inside then -result else result
	local sqrt2 = sqrt 2
	function Cell centerX centerY cellH polygon =
		d = PointToPolygonDist centerX centerY polygon
		--	js code
		maxx = d + cellH * sqrt2
		--	"denisT"
-- 		maxx = amax #(d, cellH * sqrt2)
	function GetCentroidCell polygon =
		area1 = 0
		x = 0
		y = 0
		for i = 1 to polygon.count do
			a = polygon[i]
			b = if i == polygon.count then polygon[1] else polygon[i+1]
			f = a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y
			x += (a.x + b.x) * f
			y += (a.y + b.y) * f
			area1 += f * 3
			b = a
		if area1 == 0 then
			Cell polygon[1] polygon[2] 0 polygon
			Cell (x / area1) (y / area1) 0 polygon
	--	"denisT"
	fn cellSorter c1 c2 = if c1[5] < c2[5] then -1 else if c1[5] > c2[5] then 1 else 0
	function Polylabel polygon precision =
		minX = 1e9
		minY = 1e9
		maxX = -1e9
		maxY = -1e9		
		for p in polygon do
			if p.x < minX do minX = p.x
			if p.y < minY do minY = p.y
			if p.x > maxX do maxX = p.x
			if p.y > maxY do maxY = p.y
		width = maxX - minX
		height = maxY - minY
		cellSize = amin #(width, height)
		if (cellSize == 0) then
			[minX, minY, 0]
			h = cellSize / 2.0
			cellQueue = #()
			for x = minX to maxX by cellSize do
				for y = minY to maxY by cellSize do
					r = Cell (x + h) (y + h) h polygon
					append cellQueue r
			bestCell = GetCentroidCell polygon
			bboxCell = Cell (minX + width / 2) (minY + height / 2) 0 polygon
			if (bboxCell[4] > bestCell[4]) do bestCell = bboxCell			
			numProbes = cellQueue.count			
			cnt = 0			
			while (cellQueue.count) do
				-- pick the most promising cell from the queue
				qsort cellQueue cellSorter
				cellM = cellQueue[cellQueue.count]
				deleteItem cellQueue cellQueue.count

				-- update the best cell if we found a better one
				if (cellM[4] > bestCell[4]) do
					bestCell = cellM
					format "found best % after % probes\n" cellM[4] numProbes

				-- do not drill down further if there's no chance of a better solution
				if (cellM[5] - bestCell[4] <= precision) then 
					-- split the cell into four cells
					h = cellM[3] / 2
					append cellQueue (Cell (cellM[1] - h) (cellM[2] - h) h polygon)
					append cellQueue (Cell (cellM[1] + h) (cellM[2] - h) h polygon)
					append cellQueue (Cell (cellM[1] - h) (cellM[2] + h) h polygon)
					append cellQueue (Cell (cellM[1] + h) (cellM[2] + h) h polygon)
					numProbes += 4
				cnt += 1
				if cnt > 10000 do exit

			format "numProbes: % \n" numProbes
			format "bestCell[4]: % \n" bestCell[4]

			local poleOfInaccessibility = [bestCell[1], bestCell[2], bestCell[4]]
			return poleOfInaccessibility
	myPolygon = selection[1]
	polygon = for k = 1 to numKnots myPolygon 1 collect 
		kPos = getKnotPoint myPolygon 1 k
		[kPos.x, kPos.y,0]
	t0 = timestamp()
	rr = PolyLabel polygon 1
	t1 = timestamp()
	format "Time %  sec.\n" ((t1-t0)/1000.0)
	point pos:[rr[1],rr[2],0] wirecolor:yellow
	format "rr: % \n" rr

About precision:

  • when this is used maxdist = d + cellH * sqrt2 the precision value has an effect.
    precision = 1 -> yellow point
    precision = 0.1 -> blue point

  • when this is used maxdist = amax d (h * sqrt2) the precision value has no effect.

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