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[Closed] find specific controller in a node

I need to know if an object has applied a path controller and its position among all other tracks.
What is the fastest and safest way to do this?
Thanks in advance

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not sure that it’s a fastest way but most informative:

getclassinstances PathConstarint astrackviewpick:on

Joined: 11 months ago

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Of course

if classof $.position.controller == Path_Constraint do messagebox “ahoi”

Thanks Nysuatro,

The path controller could be inside a List, and in different subAnims.
I’m looking for a recursive (fast if possible) function.

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To collect all scene objects with assigned PathConstraint controller you can use this

 	PathConstraintObjArr = #()
 	for obj in objects where classof obj[3].track == prs do
 		case classof obj[3][1].track of
 			(position_list): for i = 1 to obj[3][1].count where classof obj[3][1][i].track == path_constraint do append PathConstraintObjArr obj
 			(path_constraint): append PathConstraintObjArr obj

Or if you want to check single object then

 fn checkForPC obj = if classof obj[3].track != prs then false else
 	case classof obj[3][1].track of
 				tempArr = (for i = 1 to obj[3][1].count where classof obj[3][1][i].track == path_constraint collect i)
 				if tempArr.count != 0 then true else false
 		(path_constraint): true

You can do this too.

Select all the objects that might have a path constraint and this script will keep in your selection only the objects that have somewhere a path constraint. It loops it self until it pass all the objects or untill it finds a path constraint.

pathCollection = #()
fn checkForPathConstraint myController isTrue myObj =
	if not isTrue AND classof myController == path_Constraint then
		isTrue = true; appendifunique pathCollection myObj
	else if not isTrue AND classof myController == position_list then
		for i=1 to myController.count do checkForPathConstraint myController[i].controller false myObj
for o in selection where classof o.transform.controller == prs do (checkForPathConstraint o.position.controller false o ) 
select pathCollection