[Closed] find each controller that is keyable and his path???
I just took a quick peek at what I was doing and it is very close to the same method. I’m redoing all my controller tools so when it is done I will be posting it. Could be a while at this point how ever.
wow lot of posting going on :).
Got time know, to be back in my posemanager tools.
I,ve been discasing a bit with my friend fernans and he has gived me a quite bunch of nice ideas.
apart of saving the pose we can save the hall animation in an 3Darray.
with one array by object:
each element of the array is a track 1D
each key is a element of the 2d array
a = #(k1,k2,k3…)
and each element in the array is a property of a key 3D array
k1=#( 5f, 54.3, 0, auto, 0, 0, auto, 0)
time vauel intangent, intangenttype, intangetlenght, out tangent, outtangetntype, outtangentlenght
aeron thanks for the CA explanation.
time to go back to my script , a i love scripting.