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[Closed] filter string for version number
Mar 08, 2014 12:52 am
Filtering a string based on its characters.
I want to filter a string up to _v###
so i’d like a way to filter a string of any kind using a format like this
“underscore + letter + number + number + number + underscore”
obviously this does not work
filterstring "donut_Violin_v005_cool25" "_*###_"
which i want it to return “v005” and then I can just do ‘as integer’ to get the number.
I’m open to any ideas someone may have for a better solution. All I’m looking to do is get the version number of the file.
2 Replies
1 Reply
Mar 08, 2014 12:52 am
fn getVersion str =
local cnt = 0,idx = 0
while cnt != 2 or idx == undefined do
idx = findString str "_" ; cnt += 1
str = if cnt == 1 then substring str (idx+1) str.count
else substring (substring str (idx) str.count) 1 6
str = "donut_Violin_v005_cool25"
getVersion str