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[Closed] filter edge list

What would be a good process to filter a bitarray of edges base on their position.

For example. I want all the edges within the list who’s edge position falls between the z position of 2cm and 5cm.

This is f
or an editable poly.

1 Reply

Hi, try this –

FilteredEdges = for i = 1 to (polyop.getNumEdges $) where 
	local EdgePos = ((polyop.getVert $ (polyop.getVertsUsingEdge $ #(i) as array)[1]) + (polyop.getVert $ (polyop.getVertsUsingEdge $ #(i) as array)[2])) / 2
	EdgePos.z >= 2 and EdgePos.z <= 5
) collect i
polyop.setEdgeSelection $ FilteredEdges