[Closed] fillet
I don’t have good knowledge in maxscript, any help is very welcome.
it doesn’t work this way. if you are not a max script developer and you don’t want to be it just simply ask for a help. there are many kindly persons on this forum who will help you.
i might be wrong but i see this branch of the forum as a place for people who wants to do max scripting and learn how to do it well/better.
so… which group are you ? kindly persons or other ?
I think this forum is for everybody, not just for expert. If you are expert in maxscript, good for you. I am not here for chit chat.
DenisT is in the ‘kindly person’, expert, puzzle solver, teacher, and mentor. His inquisitive nature indicates he is looking to learn something too. His response may appear curt, but he’s being direct and honest with you in an attempt to help you convey your problem better and for possibly everyone to learn something. He has many threads on this forum that have a quality of drilling into a problem until a ‘good’ solution is found. I think its a good sign if DenisT responds to any question – it means something in there has piqued his interest –
i don’t like to waste my words. here is a script which being run fillets all knots of selected SplineShape with the fillet amount of 10.0…
Thanks DennisT
I’ve appreciated your effort.
Dont get me wrong, everybody has ups and downs.
if you look at this forum you will see how I am against any max script encryption. I just wanted to show how an answer might be different, and how it depends on the way of the question was asked.
here is a code:
fn filletSpline spline:selection[1] knots:#selected amount:10 = if iskindof spline SplineShape do undo "Fillet® by denisT" on
fn editSpinner hwnd val =
WM_CHAR = 0x0102
VK_RETURN = 0x000D
uiaccessor.setwindowtext hwnd (units.formatValue val)
windows.sendMessage hwnd WM_CHAR VK_RETURN 0 -- press ENTER key
with redraw off
if (mode = getCommandPanelTaskMode()) != #modify do setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#modify
sub = subobjectlevel
subobjectlevel = 1
if (hwnd = windows.getchildhwnd #max "Fillet") != undefined do
case of
(knots == #all):
for k=1 to (numsplines spline) do setKnotSelection spline k (#{1..(numKnots spline k)} as array) keep:on
(iskindof knots Array):
setKnotSelection spline knots keep:off
-- converttosplineshape spline
sp = UIAccessor.GetFirstChildWindow (UIAccessor.GetFirstChildWindow (UIAccessor.GetNextWindow hwnd[1]))
editSpinner sp amount
updateshape spline
if getCommandPanelTaskMode() != mode do setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:mode
subobjectlevel = sub
filletSpline knots:#all amount:10
max doesn’t provide any interface to make fillet, chamfer, or outline for spines. the only way is to simulate what you do manually. that is select all knots, set value to the corespondent spinner, and press ENTER.
what the code is doing.
I’m gonna try to absorb the code now and figure out it
This is new world for me, I dont have any comments about code.