[Closed] filein
I have a script that contains a rollout, it works fine, but now I would like to have new script, that takes all maxfiles in a directory and open each file and then calls my old script. The new script also contains a rollout.
I’m trying to call my old script using filein, but my new scripts doesn’t stop and wait for me using the rollout in the old script, it just open the rollout and go on to the next file in the directory and then opens the rollout again.
I have also tried include but then I get a compile error: No outer local variable references permitted here.
I would like to awoid to just copy the old script into the new, but I cann’t figure out how to??
Kind regards
– create several rollouts , save them in a dir .eg:
– rollout xxx1 “xxx1” (button lanhaibo “lanhaibo1” )
– rollout xxx2 “xxx2” (button lanhaibo “lanhaibo2” )
– rollout xxx3 “xxx3” (button lanhaibo “lanhaibo3” )
– then save them as d: est est_1.ms … test_2.ms … test_3.ms
– below is the new script to collect the old ones into a newRolloutFloater.
theOldRollouts = getfiles “d:\ est\*.ms” – collect old rollouts .
for i in theOldRollouts do filein i – filein them .
newFloater = newRolloutFloater “collect old rollouts ” 200 400 – create a new container.
addrollout xxx1 newfloater
addrollout xxx2 newfloater
addrollout xxx3 newfloater