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[Closed] fileName without Path
Mar 08, 2014 5:05 pm
hi guys ,
i want change my material name by bitmap filename , like this :
for o in geometry do
nMap = o.material.diffusemap.filename = nMap
but filename syntax cant get only file name ! actually get filename with path address for example it change my material name to this :
i dont want that . i want to change my material name to BARK5 or BARK5.jpg.
can i get only file name ?
3 Replies
1 Reply
Also you can filter only objects which have assigned material. BTW shapes, proxy etc. types can have material also. So…
fn filterMat material &map = isProperty material #diffusemap and isKindOf (map = getProperty material #diffusemap) Bitmaptex
for o in objects where o.mat != undefined and filterMat o.mat &map do
if (string = getProperty map #filename) != undefined do = getFilenameFile string
Mar 08, 2014 5:05 pm = getFilenameFile nMap
See the docs here