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[Closed] Figure mode toggle button?

max7 or 8

Is it possible to script a button that’d toggle the scenes biped in and out of figure mode …without having to leave your current selection? (like for exanple I ‘m editing the mesh or skin weights)

I know almost nothing about scripting other than you can drag stuff onto toolbar to make a button.

I find myself toggling fig mode quite a bit and having to stop what i’m doing select a bip piece open the motion tab etc etc…

I’m also open to any other creative ways to make that go faster…it’s likely there’s some hidden thingie i don’t know about

I did do a search ofthese forums but the string i found… <biped>.controller.figuremode = true

I’m not sure what to do with…

thanks for even reading this

6 Replies

ok, make a new script… paste this in and drag it onto a new toolbar. this will toggle figure mode on and off for a selected bip
with some more scripting it is possible to run the code on any biped part ( but this is real quick here) just a case of finding the main parent based upon the selection

if you want this to work regardles of what you are doing then change $ for your biped name…

[size=1]if $.controller.figuremode == false



$.controller.figuremode = true




$.controller.figuremode = false


i will try and see if i can make this a little more user freindly so you can select from all bipeds in the scene to put all or some into figure mode

Thanks !

this is a huge help…

someone else just posted a bunch of scripts too having to do with biped…but this is really the one I want!

I usually only need this when I only have one biped in the scene…so I’m good with this!

ok so i have written a tool that allows you to set figure mode for any biped in the scene. I will put put it on line and put a link to it here asap

I found this link after I ‘s posted this thread …(it was in main max forums)

he’s got a fig toggle and a dialog to select which bip it’s affected by…

i like your idea of just wildcard toggling all of them. That makes sense. The script from the other thread seems to ask you which one at he beginning of a max session…your method sounds global and universally applicable to every file which means i can just leave it as a permanent button in my UI.

I tried plugging in the name of my bip , BIP ROOT , into the script you gave me but i got a syntax error… i replaced $ with BIP ROOT… i never touched scripting before so i imagine that it’s got to have “BIP ROOT” buut when i tried that I got Unknown property: “controller” in “BIP ROOT” <<

if BIP ROOT.controller.figuremode == false



BIP ROOT.controller.figuremode = true




BIP ROOT.controller.figuremode = false


Assuming “BIP ROOT” is an object name, try this:

if [b]$'BIP ROOT'[/b].controller.figuremode == false then
[b]$'BIP ROOT'[/b].controller.figuremode = true
[b]$'BIP ROOT'[/b].controller.figuremode = false

Or as a one-liner:

[b]$'BIP ROOT'[/b].controller.figuremode = not [b]$'BIP ROOT'[/b].controller.figuremode


wow thanks you guys are fast! I got a magic button now!