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[Closed] fbx graph editor interpolation bezier
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Jan 13, 2013 9:02 pm
hmm.I was thinking how to remove keys. I was thinking about algorithm.
- find local maximum and minimum
- find first and last frame
- delete another frame
This piece of code finds local maximum and minimum in array T. In eks array you have got T array index in which you have got that value. All frame you don’t have in this array can be deleted.
for example in array [1,2,5,3,2,1,8]
local max is 5 [index 3]
local min is [second one “1”, index 6]
It also add to this array first and last frame.[index 1 and 7]
It mean that in array eks you would have [1,3,6,7]
Data in T index for example [2] or [4] can be deleted…
OK it doesn’t matter…
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