Clear all

[Closed] fbx graph editor interpolation bezier

hmm.I was thinking how to remove keys. I was thinking about algorithm.

  1. find local maximum and minimum
  2. find first and last frame
  3. delete another frame

This piece of code finds local maximum and minimum in array T. In eks array you have got T array index in which you have got that value. All frame you don’t have in this array can be deleted.

for example in array [1,2,5,3,2,1,8]
local max is 5 [index 3]
local min is [second one “1”, index 6]
It also add to this array first and last frame.[index 1 and 7]

It mean that in array eks you would have [1,3,6,7]
Data in T index for example [2] or [4] can be deleted…
OK it doesn’t matter…

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