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[Closed] FBX export: silence Overwrite prompt

I’m trying to make a batch exporter, but I’m getting a MAXScript modal interrupt prompt that says ” <filename>.fbx already exists. overwrite?”

Is there a way to silence this?

EDIT: never mine, it was my own doing

	fn exportFBX assetName filePath=(
		local fbxfilename=assetName+".fbx"
		local exportPath = filePath + fbxfilename
		if doesFileExist exportPath then(
			if queryBox  ( fbxfilename +"
already exists. Overwrite?") beep:True then (
				exportFile exportPath #noPrompt selectedOnly:False  using:FBXEXP
			)else(print "export canceled")
			exportFile exportPath #noPrompt selectedOnly:False  using:FBXEXP

The alert was generated by my own function lol