[Closed] Fast way to get loop end edges/verts?
try to beat mine
/******************** test setup ********************/
delete objects
with redraw off
global bx = box widthsegs:32 lengthsegs:32 heightsegs:32 name:#test isselected:on
global ep = Edit_Poly()
addmodifier bx ep
max modify mode
modPanel.setCurrentObject ep
nume = ep.GetNumEdges()
numv = ep.GetNumVertices()
seed 0
ee = #{}
for k=1 to (nume/2) do append ee (random 1 nume)
subobjectlevel = 2
ep.Select #edge ee
ep.ButtonOp #SelectEdgeLoop
ep.Select #edge ee invert:on
/***************** function **********************/
fn getEditPolyEndEdges ep =
getVertexEdgeCount = ep.GetVertexEdgeCount
getVertexEdge = ep.GetVertexEdge
ee = ep.getSelection #edge
ep.convertSelection #edge #vertex
vv = ep.getSelection #vertex
endverts = #{}
endedges = #{}
edge = [0,0]
for v in vv do
n = 0
edge.x = 0
for k=1 to getVertexEdgeCount v while n < 2 do
e = getVertexEdge v k
if ee[e] do
n += 1
edge.x = e
if n == 1 do
append endverts v
append endedges edge.x
#(endverts, endedges)
/***************** test result **********************/
t0 = timestamp()
h0 = heapfree
ends = getEditPolyEndEdges ep
format "time:% heap:%\n" (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree)
subobjectlevel = 1
vv = ep.getSelection #vertex
ep.Select #vertex vv invert:on
ep.Select #vertex ends[1] select:on
format "\tverts:(%) % \n\tedges:(%) %\n" ends[1].numberset ends[1] ends[2].numberset ends[2]
… and check your results
Yea, yours is better. I take my hat off to you and your mastery of maxscript good sir
50-80% faster
fn GetEndEdgesAndVerts mdf =
if not iskindof mdf edit_poly do return #(#{},#{})
GetEdgeVert = mdf.getedgevertex
GetVertexEdgeCount = mdf.getvertexedgecount
GetVertexEdge = mdf.getvertexedge
sel = mdf.getselection #edge
vt1 = #{}
vt2 = #{}
edges = #{}
for j in sel do
v1 = GetEdgeVert j 1
v2 = GetEdgeVert j 2
vt2[v1] = vt1[v1]
vt2[v2] = vt1[v2]
vt1[v1] = vt1[v2] = true
verts = vt1-vt2
for j in verts do
done = false
for k = 1 to GetVertexEdgeCount j while not done do
edge = GetVertexEdge j k
edges[edge] = done = sel[edge]
return #(edges, verts)
~20% faster
fn findEndEdges ep =
getEdgeVert = ep.GetEdgeVertex
getVertexEdge = ep.GetVertexEdge
ee = ep.GetSelection #edge
vx = #{}
vy = #{}
for e in ee do
v = getEdgeVert e 1
append (if vx[v] then vy else vx) v
v = getEdgeVert e 2
append (if vx[v] then vy else vx) v
verts = vx - vy
edges = #{}
for v in verts do
k = x = 1
while not ee[x = getVertexEdge v k] do k += 1
append edges x
return #(verts, edges)
Mmm, well, fair 5-20% optimization of my algorithm, so I’ll give it a
BTW… how might it be useful?
if it can be useful i would add it to my c++ mxs extension (of course the PolyObject version)
I use it at the start of edge loop crawling/sorting functions.
Depending on the tool you’re making you may want to sort/crawl loops in different ways, such as when selected loops intersect each other, but I’ve found this to be a good way to start off in most cases.
There might be other uses, but that’s what I use it for.
algorithmic the fastest method i found is:
fn searchEndEdges2 ep =
getEdgeVert = ep.GetEdgeVertex
ee = ep.GetSelection #edge
num = ep.GetNumVertices()
vv = #()
for e in ee do
v = getEdgeVert e 1
vv[v] = if vv[v] == undefined then e else ok
v = getEdgeVert e 2
vv[v] = if vv[v] == undefined then e else ok
verts = #{}
edges = #{}
num = vv.count
for v=1 to num do if classof (e = vv[v]) == Integer do
append verts v
append edges e
return #(verts, edges)
(we are not talking about memory usage here)
but specifically for built-in MXS implementation there are several slowdowns:
- there is no way to initialize mxs array with default value
- mxs array holds values and it needs conversion from sdk int to integer value and back.
- mxs expression <if <> then <> else <> is slow
but you still see that it’s faster anyway
the c++ sdk implementation gives me about 2.5 time difference for both algorithms
This version is slower on my end than the previous optimization.
Although if<>then may be generally slower, in this case I found that it is basically the same in this case.
What makes some difference here is the use of append() instead of accessing the array twice or overwriting unnecessary values.
So, the use of append() is generally faster as we have probed a few years ago.
there is the better one (!) taking into account the mxs specifics:
fn searchEndEdges3 ep =
getEdgeVert = ep.GetEdgeVertex
ee = ep.GetSelection #edge
vx = #{}
vy = #{}
for e in ee do
v = getEdgeVert e 1
append (if vx[v] then vy else vx) v
v = getEdgeVert e 2
append (if vx[v] then vy else vx) v
verts = vx - vy
edges = #{}
ep.getedgesusingvert edges verts
return #(verts, edges * ee)
generally it’s two times faster
Jorge, i suggest to split the first place as usually
Yes, you got it. Don’t even need to test it.
This was a smart move:
ep.getedgesusingvert edges verts