[Closed] facade generator array scripting
i know its holiday season but im a total novice and could do with someone pointing me in the
right direction.
I want to script a louvre generator for creating slatted facades for 3d building models.
I have begun a script with boxes where the louvre slats will go but dont know if im better off
using Matrix3 or if that will be too complicated (it doesnt really need to be mouseclick based.)
- i want it so the number of floors to the building can be changed and each floor will have
its own strip of facade but if you change the number of floors spinner more than once then
it just creates new boxes (to be facades) over the top rather than instead of the existing.
ALSO when it comes to creating the slatted louvres (which would replace the boxes)
i dont know what the best way to script it is, perhaps an array of lines (with thickness)?
HERE IS THE SCRIPT SO FAR (i know its a mess)
–louvre generator
rollout ssRoll “louvre generator”
group “Basic”
spinner spn_facadeWidth “Facade Width ” type:#float range: [1,100,50]
spinner spn_floorHeight “Floor Height ” type:#float range: [1,100,3.2]
spinner spn_numFloors “Number of Floors ” type:#integer range:[1,10,1]
button but_createFacade “Create Facade “
pickbutton pbt_pickFacade ” Pick Facade ” autodisplay:true
local facade
on but_createFacade pressed do
facade = box()
facade.width = spn_facadeWidth.value
facade.length = 0.2
facade.height = spn_floorHeight.value
on spn_facadeWidth changed value do
facade.width = spn_facadeWidth.value
on spn_floorHeight changed value do
facade.height = spn_floorHeight.value
–push button not used yet
on pbt_pickFacade picked facade do
facade.width = spn_facadeWidth.value
facade.height = spn_floorHeight.value
–this loop doesnt seem right as it creates multiples if numFloors is changes 2+ times
on spn_numFloors changed value do
for i = 2 to spn_numFloors.value do
c = reference facade
move c [0,0,(i*spn_floorHeight.value)-spn_floorHeight.value]
createDialog ssRoll 200 150
rollout thebox "theboxes"
local demobox = undefined
local ori_length = 0.0
local ori_width = 0.0
local ori_height = 0.0
local ori_space = 20
local ori_floorcount = 10
----interface define ----
button loaddemobox "load demo box"
button createfloors "create floors"
group "box setting:"
spinner thelength "length:" range:[0.0,10000,ori_length]
spinner thewidth "width:" range:[0.0,10000,ori_width]
spinner theheight "height:" range:[0.0,10000,ori_height]
group "floor setting:"
spinner thefloorspace "floor space:" range:[0.0,10000,ori_space]
spinner thefloorcount "floor count:" range:[1,10000,ori_floorcount] type:#integer
button resetall "reset all"
button deletecreatedboxes "delete my boxes"
--- actions define ------
on loaddemobox pressed do
if selection.count ==1 and classof selection[1] == box then
demobox = selection[1]
-- set the interface value to the demo box .
thelength.value = demobox.length
thewidth.value = demobox.width
theheight.value = demobox.height
-- delete old boxes .
try(delete $lanhaibo_boxes*)catch()
)else messagebox "make a demobox ,and select the demo box for use."
on createfloors pressed do
-- check selection for use.
if demobox != undefined then
try(delete $lanhaibo_boxes* )catch()
-- create new boxes .
for i =1 to thefloorcount.value do
local tempbox = copy demobox name:"lanhaibo_boxes"
tempbox.pos.z += (i-1)*(thefloorspace.value)
tempbox.length = thelength.value
tempbox.width = thewidth.value
tempbox.height = theheight.value
tempbox.wirecolor = white
)else messagebox "make a demobox ,and select the demo box for use."
on thelength changed val do createfloors.pressed()
on thewidth changed val do createfloors.pressed()
on theheight changed val do createfloors.pressed()
on thefloorspace changed val do createfloors.pressed()
on thefloorcount changed val do createfloors.pressed()
on resetall pressed do
thelength.value = ori_length
thewidth.value = ori_width
theheight.value = ori_height
thefloorspace.value = ori_space
thefloorcount.value = ori_floorcount
demobox = undefined
on deletecreatedboxes pressed do try(delete $lanhaibo_boxes*)catch()
)createdialog thebox
thanks it helps,
however is there a way of doing the same thing but not having to first create a box then select it? only im aiming to have an array of lots of boxes so if they could automatically be selected that would be easier.
for the first obj , is for u to fix the transform original . for later generate other boxes.
and i think it is more easy for use .script is a tool for doing works quickly , dont make anything with script . something easy with hand draw , something easy with code .
if u want make more style boxes and modify them with one set of spinner , the spinner should not be the fixed paramater of length,width,height , it should be scale value of them .
hi, i think i understand however im not sure id know enough to be able to get that working. It would speed things up.
Below is where i got to, although it is slow as the objects are all created in the script, this isn’t good
Also i wanted to include a setting as part of it to create random louvres, i explained this on other post.
--louvre generator
rollout ssRoll "louvre generator"
local ori_width = 30
local ori_height = 3.2
local ori_space = 3.3
local ori_floorcount = 3
local ori_numslats = 60
local ori_slatthick = 0.2
local ori_slatlength = 0.2
local ori_slatwidth = 0.1
----interface define ----
group "Basic:"
button but_createFacade "Create Facade "
spinner spn_facadeWidth "Facade Width " type:#float range: [1,100,ori_width]
spinner spn_floorHeight "Floor Height " type:#float range: [1,100,ori_height]
spinner thefloorspace "floor space:" range:[0.0,100,ori_space]
spinner thefloorcount "floor count:" range:[1,10,ori_floorcount] type:#integer
group "Slats:"
checkbox profile "Rectangular Profile "
spinner spn_numSlats "Number of Slats" type:#integer range:[1,100,ori_numslats]
spinner spn_slatthickness "Round Slat Thickness " type:#float range:[0.05,0.6,ori_slatthick]
spinner spn_rectangularl "Rect. Slat Length " type:#float range:[0.05,0.6,ori_slatlength]
spinner spn_rectangularw "Rect. Slat Width " type:#float range:[0.05,0.6,ori_slatwidth]
button but_updateFacade "Update Facade "
on but_createFacade pressed do
new_spline = line()
new_spline.name = "matt"
addnewspline new_spline
addKnot new_spline 1 #smooth #curve [0,0,0]
addKnot new_spline 1 #smooth #curve [0,0,spn_floorHeight.value]
new_spline.render_renderable = true
new_spline.render_displayRenderMesh = true
new_spline.render_thickness = spn_slatthickness.value
new_spline.render_rectangular = profile.state
new_spline.render_viewport_rectangular = profile.state
new_spline.render_length = spn_rectangularl.value
new_spline.render_width = spn_rectangularw.value
updateshape new_spline
ds = spn_facadeWidth.value / spn_numSlats.value
for i = 1 to spn_numSlats.value do
a = copy new_spline
select a
maxops.cloneNodes $ offset:[(ds*i),0,0] newNodes:&test
myarray = for obj in objects where (classof obj == line) collect obj
for i = 1 to thefloorcount.value do
select myarray
maxops.cloneNodes $ offset:[0,0,thefloorspace.value*i] newNodes:&test
deselect myarray
on but_updateFacade pressed do
try(delete $matt*)catch()
createDialog ssRoll 250 300
any ideas on whats the best way to do this?