[Closed] Extract number from object name?
…and then use it as an integer?
Is this possible?
Basically, i’m trying to use it as a multiplier. If the object name is object04, i want to multiply by 4, etc.
I’m admittedly not not much for scripting, but i’ve got a string of objects i’m trying to wire together, and this would save a lot of manual editing if I can just copy an object 100 times or so that has the wire code embedded in it.
You can collect the objects into an array and use the index as multiplier (methinks)
theObjects = $object* as array
sort theObjects --if you didn't create the objects in the right order or renamed them
for i in 1 to theObjects.count do
theObject = theObjects[i]
Multipier = i
Might work
Edit: Missed a line… :banghead:
Note that Piflik’s approach will always start at one, even if the first object in the (sorted) array is, say, Sphere05.
Here’s another approach:
obj = $GeoSphere05
$GeoSphere:GeoSphere05 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
numberString = subString obj.name ((trimRight obj.name "0123456789").count + 1) -1
numberInt = numberString as integer
I did a lot more searching and found the tank tread tutorial and was actually able to adapt that to what I was trying to do.
Took a while since I don’t really know scripting, but it worked and I actually learned a little bit, too.