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[Closed] Extended Morpher WM3_MC


I am having problem with extended morpher modifier plugin. I am unable to find any more help on the web about this. None of WM3_MC methods for the classic Max Morpher modifier does work. (they don’t crash, they actually return FALSE value :banghead: )

Test the code below and you will se what is the problem, I just hope I’ve missed little something in the plugin definition.

try(delete #(a,b))catch()

plugin modifier MorpherExtended
classID:#(1025450437, -873296458)

a = convertto (box()) Editable_Mesh
b = snapshot a
b.pos.x += 30
addmodifier a (MorpherExtended())

myExtMorpher = a.MorpherExtended
print myExtMorpher
WM3_MC_BuildFromNode myExtMorpher 1 b  -- returning FALSE

/* if you add manually the object and call this, it gives you False as well*/
WM3_MC_GetName a.MorpherExtended 1
select a

Thanks for any help

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you can’t use WM3_MC interface directly with Extended Morpher. All WM3_MC methods work for Morpher Class only. So you have to call the delegated class:

 modi = MorpherExtended()	
 IsValidMorpherMod classof modi -- FALSE
  IsValidMorpherMod classof modi.delegate -- TRUE

also it’s better to add autoPromoteDelegateProps:on to the plugin definition (see MXS help for details).

PS. I didn’t test all WM3_MC methods for delegated morpher. And I’m not sure that all of them work right. So I suggest to extend the Morpher by using a Custom Attribute(s).

Thank you Denis, access trought .delegate is absolutelly sufficient
I’ve tested most of the methods and it works fine.
I was using Custom Attributes, but I can’t spam with so many data in this case other artists Morphers. Thanks again, it helped :buttrock:

there is a working sample for other interested

fn MorpherAccess morpher b channel = (
	IsValidMorpherMod morpher
	WM3_MC_BuildFromNode morpher channel b 
	WM3_MC_GetName morpher channel
	WM3_MC_HasData morpher channel
	WM3_MC_GetValue morpher channel
	WM3_MC_GetName morpher channel
	WM3_MC_GetTarget morpher channel
	WM3_MC_GetUseLimits Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_GetUseVertexSel Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_GetValue Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_HasData Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_HasTarget Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_IsActive Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_IsValid Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_NumMPts Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_NumPts Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_Rebuild Morpher channel
	WM3_MC_SetName Morpher channel "smilie" 
	WM3_MC_SetUseLimits Morpher channel False
	WM3_MC_SetUseVertexSel Morpher channel True 
	WM3_MC_SetValue Morpher channel 100.0
	WM3_RebuildInternalCache Morpher
	WM3_RefreshChannelListUI Morpher
	WM3_RefreshChannelParamsUI Morpher	

plugin modifier MorpherExtended
classID:#(1025450437, -873296458)

a = convertto (box()) Editable_Mesh
b = snapshot a
b.pos.x += 30
addmodifier a (MorpherExtended())
mymorpher = a.MorpherExtended.delegate

MorpherAccess mymorpher b 1