[Closed] Exporting objects position to text file
I’ve been trying to write a simple script that will print (to a text file or at least listener) positions (world coordinates) of selected object. So far i have not succeded (not even close). Can anybody help with that or at least point in a right direction.
Thanks in advance for help
Best Regards
Andrew Skibinski
Try this:
outputFile = createFile “output.txt”
for obj in $ do
print obj.pos to:outputFile
close outputFile
[left]God the code tag sucks. I can’t figure out how to make text a consistent size (see, look doesn’t my edit look nice?)…anyway that will create “output.txt” in your max root. If you wanted to, for example, format it like:[/left]
[left]you would modify the loop content like this: [/left]
[left]print (obj.name + “,” + obj.pos) to:outputFile[/left]
Thanks for the code, I just knew it must be really simple
I came up with something like this:
outputFile = createFile “c:\output.txt”
for obj in $ do
posx = (obj.pos.x as string)
posy = (obj.pos.y as string)
posz = (obj.pos.z as string)
string = obj.name + ” : X:” + posx + ” Y:” + posy + ” Z:” + posz
print string to:outputFile
close outputFile
It makes the whole file more clear and readable (also makes it easier to copy&paste position values).
However it adds ” at the beggining and at the end of the each line, like this:
“SmallGun_Base_7 : X:78.6413 Y:-450.398 Z:-113.457”
“SmallGun_Muzzle_7 : X:78.6413 Y:-450.398 Z:-113.457”
Is it possible to get rid of those ” ” ?
ok figured out you should be using “format” instead of just “print” like:
for obj in $ do
format “% : X:% Y:% Z:%
” obj.name obj.pos.x obj.pos.y obj.pos.z to:outputFile
the “%” formats the arguments following the input string. each consecutive use of “%” uses each consecutive argument respectively, and the “
” is an escape character that acts like a carriage return…oh god i just used the term carriage return (from the days of typewriters)…it’s a new line fyi
It occured to me that maybe you should be making a CSV file, so maybe later you could write a file to import these values back into Max.
obj=selection as array
for o in obj do format "
%,%,%,%" o.name o.pos.x o.pos.y o.pos.z to:outputfile
Also, notice how I careate an array with the current selection. It’s bad practice to use $ inside a script since it may change during script operation.
Look at www.scriptspot.com for import / export scripts, I’m sure thing kind of thing has been done before.
Here’s a basic one.
rollout ExportKeys "Export Keyframes"
Button SetOutFile "Set output Filename" align:#right width:150
Button ExportAnim "Export Animation" align:#right width:150
on setoutfile pressed do
Global OutFile = getSaveFileName caption:"Choose the output filename" filename:"h:\\Databases\\"
SetOutFile.text = OutFile
Fn WriteAnimData Keyarray destfile =
for k = 1 to Keyarray.count do
Format "%," Keyarray[k].time to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].value to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].intangenttype to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].intangent to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].outTangentType to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].outTangent to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].inTangentLength to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].outTangentLength to:DestFile
on ExportAnim pressed do
MyOutFile = OutFile
AnimFile = CreateFile MyOutFile
MyObjects = Selection as array
format "%
" MyObjects.count to:AnimFile
for i = 1 to myObjects.count do
XposKeys = MyObjects[i].position.x_position.controller.keys
YPosKeys = MyObjects[i].position.y_position.controller.keys
ZPosKeys = MyObjects[i].position.Z_position.controller.keys
XrotKeys = MyObjects[i].rotation.x_rotation.controller.keys
YrotKeys = MyObjects[i].rotation.y_rotation.controller.keys
ZrotKeys = MyObjects[i].rotation.z_rotation.controller.keys
-- Object Name
format "%
" MyObjects[i].name to:AnimFile
-- Key Counts
format "%
" XposKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" YposKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" ZposKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" XrotKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" YrotKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" ZrotKeys.count to:AnimFile
-- Output keys
WriteAnimData XposKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData YposKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData ZposKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData XrotKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData YrotKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData ZrotKeys AnimFile
Format "
" "" to:AnimFile
Close AnimFile
CreateDialog ExportKeys width:250
And the corrosponding import:
Rollout ImportExportKeys "Import / Export Keyframes"
Group "Import Animation"
Button importAnim "Import Animation" align:#right width:150
Group "Export Animation"
Button SetOutFile "Set output Filename" align:#right width:150
Button ExportAnim "Export Animation" align:#right width:150
Fn ReadAnimData TargetKeys KeyCount sourcefile =
for k = 1 to KeyCount do
TempKeyTime = readValue sourcefile
addNewKey TargetKeys TempKeyTime
TempKeyValue = readValue sourcefile
TargetKeys[k].value = TempKeyValue
TempInType = readValue sourcefile
TargetKeys[k].intangenttype = TempInType
TempIn = readValue sourcefile
TargetKeys[k].intangent = TempIn
TempOutType = readValue sourcefile
TargetKeys[k].Outtangenttype = TempoutType
TempOut = readValue sourcefile
TargetKeys[k].Outtangent = Tempout
TempInLength = readValue sourcefile
TargetKeys[k].inTangentLength = TempInLength
TempOutLength = readValue sourcefile
TargetKeys[k].OutTangentLength = TempOutLength
Fn WriteAnimData Keyarray destfile =
for k = 1 to Keyarray.count do
Format "%," Keyarray[k].time to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].value to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].intangenttype to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].intangent to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].outTangentType to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].outTangent to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].inTangentLength to:DestFile
Format "%," Keyarray[k].outTangentLength to:DestFile
on importanim pressed do
Global MyInFile = getOpenFileName caption:"Choose an animation file:" filename:"H://Databases//"
MyFile = OpenFile MyInFile
ObjCount = readline MyFile as integer
For i = 1 to objcount do
SourceObj = readline MyFile as string
TargetObj = execute ("$" + SourceObj)
TargetXCont = TargetObj.position.x_position.controller.keys
TargetYCont = TargetObj.position.y_position.controller.keys
TargetZCont = TargetObj.position.z_position.controller.keys
TargetXRotCont = TargetObj.rotation.x_rotation.controller.keys
TargetyRotCont = TargetObj.rotation.y_rotation.controller.keys
TargetzRotCont = TargetObj.rotation.z_rotation.controller.keys
XKeyCount = readline MyFile as integer
YKeyCount = readline MyFile as integer
ZKeyCount = readline MyFile as integer
XRotKeyCount = readline MyFile as integer
YRotKeyCount = readline MyFile as integer
ZRotKeyCount = readline MyFile as integer
ReadAnimData TargetXCont XKeyCount MyFile
ReadAnimData TargetYCont YKeyCount MyFile
ReadAnimData TargetZCont ZKeyCount MyFile
ReadAnimData TargetXRotCont XRotKeyCount MyFile
ReadAnimData TargetYRotCont YRotKeyCount MyFile
ReadAnimData TargetZRotCont ZRotKeyCount MyFile
on setoutfile pressed do
Global OutFile = getSaveFileName caption:"Choose the output filename" filename:"h:\\Databases\\"
SetOutFile.text = OutFile
on ExportAnim pressed do
MyOutFile = OutFile
AnimFile = CreateFile MyOutFile
MyObjects = Selection as array
format "%
" MyObjects.count to:AnimFile
for i = 1 to myObjects.count do
XposKeys = MyObjects[i].position.x_position.controller.keys
YPosKeys = MyObjects[i].position.y_position.controller.keys
ZPosKeys = MyObjects[i].position.Z_position.controller.keys
XrotKeys = MyObjects[i].rotation.x_rotation.controller.keys
YrotKeys = MyObjects[i].rotation.y_rotation.controller.keys
ZrotKeys = MyObjects[i].rotation.z_rotation.controller.keys
-- Object Name
format "%
" MyObjects[i].name to:AnimFile
-- Key Counts
format "%
" XposKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" YposKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" ZposKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" XrotKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" YrotKeys.count to:AnimFile
format "%
" ZrotKeys.count to:AnimFile
-- Output keys
WriteAnimData XposKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData YposKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData ZposKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData XrotKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData YrotKeys AnimFile
WriteAnimData ZrotKeys AnimFile
Format "
" "" to:AnimFile
Close AnimFile
CreateDialog ImportExportKeys Width:250
It’s only working on simple things right now – no list controllers etc but it might be of help.