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[Closed] exiting 3dsmax on error

Hi guys!
I’m trying to make a cool script to generate some custom playblasts from max, avoiding the quite restrictive “make preview…” function in max. (if you have tips to do so I’d be interested to know how you would do! I’m actually using gw/viewport methods to grab viewports and “mencoder” to compile them)
I’d like to compute them via backburner so the only way I found, since I need the UI to generate previews (and then full version of max too…) is to launch a 3dsmax.exe command with a script at startup. It actually works great, but when the script encounters an error, for now I’ve got 2 solutions: I let it be and then max stays open until I delete the job in backburner, or I use a “try/catch” and quit max, but backburner does not take it as an error and the job is marked as “completed”…
So my question is : Is there a way to exit max with an error (I can’t believe I’m actually asking ), or to tell backburner that the job did not complete correctly?
