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[Closed] eventhandler on dotnet object doesnt work inside plugin rollout

I tried create slider on treeview using (dotNetObject “button”) inside plugin doesnt work at all. but when I create inside dialog it works.
heres plugin code:

plugin modifier 'slider'
 classID:#(0x1e11866d, 0x3f9028db)
  rollout test "Test"
 	local slideH, slideW=7, slideOffset=10, slideIndex
 	local nodeTree
 	local pressed=false, val
 	 local Ccolor = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"	
 	local slide=dotNetObject "button"
 	 dotNetControl treeView "" height:200 width:150 align:#center
 	fn MouseDown e=
 	fn MouseUp=
 	fn mousemove e=
 		if pressed do
 			if slide.width < 7 do slide.width=7;
 			if slide.width > 107 then
 	fn createSlide=
 		slide.backColor=(dotNetClass "system.drawing.color").blue
 		slide.height=slideH; slide.width=7
 		slide.location.x=slideOffset; slide.location.y=(slideH*slideIndex)+1
 		treeView.controls.add slide
 		dotnet.addEventHandler slide "MouseDown" MouseDown
 		dotnet.addEventHandler slide "MouseUp" MouseUp
 		dotnet.addEventHandler slide "mousemove" mousemove
 		slide.flatappearance.mouseoverbackcolor =
 		 slide.flatappearance.mousedownbackcolor =		
 		 slide.flatappearance.bordercolor = Ccolor.yellow
 	fn removeSlide= --fungsi untuk meremove slideLabel
 		try(treeView.controls.Remove slide)catch()
 	on treeView mousedown e do
 		local mouseBtn=e.Button --detect mouse button
 		--get treeview node and get y position of treeview node
 		nodeTree=(treeView.GetNodeAt e.location); slideIndex=(((e.y)/16.0)as integer)
 		if mouseBtn==mouseBtn.Left and nodeTree!=undefined and nodeTree.Parent!=undefined do
 	 on test open do
 		--populate treeview
 		uiFn.dotNetTreePopulate treeView obj:(for o in objects where o.parent==undefined collect o)
 -- 		treeView.focus()

and heres the createdialog code:

try(destroydialog test)catch()
 rollout test "Test"
 	local slideH, slideW=7, slideOffset=10, slideIndex
 	local nodeTree
 	local pressed=false, val
 	 local Ccolor = dotnetclass "system.drawing.color"	
 	local slide=dotNetObject "button"
 	 dotNetControl treeView "" height:200 width:150 align:#center
 	fn MouseDown e=
 	fn MouseUp=
 	fn mousemove e=
 		if pressed do
 			if slide.width < 7 do slide.width=7;
 			if slide.width > 107 then
 	fn createSlide=
 		slide.backColor=(dotNetClass "system.drawing.color").blue
 		slide.height=slideH; slide.width=7
 		slide.location.x=slideOffset; slide.location.y=(slideH*slideIndex)+1
 		treeView.controls.add slide
 		dotnet.addEventHandler slide "MouseDown" MouseDown
 		dotnet.addEventHandler slide "MouseUp" MouseUp
 		dotnet.addEventHandler slide "mousemove" mousemove
 		slide.flatappearance.mouseoverbackcolor =
 		 slide.flatappearance.mousedownbackcolor =		
 		 slide.flatappearance.bordercolor = Ccolor.yellow
 	fn removeSlide= --fungsi untuk meremove slideLabel
 		try(treeView.controls.Remove slide)catch()
 	on treeView mousedown e do
 		local mouseBtn=e.Button --detect mouse button
 		--get treeview node and get y position of treeview node
 		nodeTree=(treeView.GetNodeAt e.location); slideIndex=(((e.y)/16.0)as integer)
 		if mouseBtn==mouseBtn.Left and nodeTree!=undefined and nodeTree.Parent!=undefined do
 	 on test open do
 		--populate treeview
 		uiFn.dotNetTreePopulate treeView obj:(for o in objects where o.parent==undefined collect o)
 -- 		treeView.focus()
  createdialog test

please help

6 Replies

I think it is something wrong with the grammar of ur Plug-in code . search “plugin” in maxscript help document for detail . this is a example copied from help document :

 plugin helper lightMaster 
name:" light master ... " 
classID:#(12345 , 54321 ) -- genClassID will give u a new one . 
extends  dummy 
parameters main rollout params -- this rollout is main , and will set in a different block . 
on something set val do ....... 
rollout params " rollout name here " 
button xxx "xxx " 
-- ur rollout code should be here . 

search this forum for the answer. i remember at least three threads about this subject.

I think it is something wrong with the grammar of ur Plug-in code . search “plugin” in maxscript help document for detail . this is a example copied from help document :

its just rollout plugin that I want to show you. the actual plugin script is too long to post

search this forum for the answer. i remember at least three threads about this subject.

i did it denis, so far the solution is to use “dotNet.setLifetimeControl” but still it didnt work.
as I said inside dialog the button dotnet object is work but when you put it inside plugin rollout it stop working.

oh, and if you want to try my code you should run this struct before :

struct uiFunction
 --####ui dotnet treeview control####
 	--Recurse hierarchy and add treeview nodes.
 	fn dotNetTreeRecurse obj tv=
 		for i=1 to obj.children.count do		--Loop through each of the children
 			local n=(dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode" obj.children[i].name)
 			tv.nodes.add n
 			dotNetTreeRecurse obj.children[i] n	--Call recursion on each of the children. 
 	--Adds root nodes to treeView.
 	fn dotNetTreePopulate tv obj:#()=
 		--Loop through all the objects in the scene. 
 		for o in obj do 
 			--Create a treeViewNode and add it to the treeView control
 			local n=(dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode" 
 			tv.nodes.add n
 			dotNetTreeRecurse o n		--Call recursive function on each of the root nodes. 

its populate object like outliner, and if you select treeview node that have parent, button dotnet object will show up. and that button can stretch like slider when you click and drag.

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

if it doesn’t work it’s not a solution.
you are absolutely right – dotnet objects(controls) are loosing their events being placed in a scripted plugin’s rollout. the only solution that i found is to use some global timer to add controls event handlers on-fly by using rollout’s open event. there should be a sample on this forum how to do it.

I had a similar problem when trying to place dotnet buttons on a CA modifier . the solution is global timer begun at startup and eventhandler attached to it. Io and Denis helped with this two or three months ago – search back about three months, you’ll find t. I’d post my code but i think its better you check the test code out in the forum, as denis has said…It’s a hack but it works.

ah, I found it in this thread . thanks guys for pointing out