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[Closed] eulertoquat doesn't work properly
Dec 04, 2012 4:32 pm
Hello, I have problem which eulertoquat function.
In simple example(one axis rotation) function work properly.When I use more axis to rotate everything works wrong.
It is data from blender
I use
obj.rotation=eulertoquat (eulerAngles -(rotO.x) -rotO.y -rotO.z )
The result
AS_Cone [0,-89.9,0] <- OK
AS_Cube [-45,0,0] <- OK
AS_Cube.001[-88,233, -14,783, -5,151] <-SWITCHED AXIS BIG MISTAKE
AS_Icosphere [-90, 80,444 ,-1] <-SWITCHED AXIS
If I do
obj.rotation=eulertoquat (eulerAngles -(rotO.x) -rotO.z -rotO.y )
AS_Cone is wrong.What Should I do now?
Thanks for any reply.
I always must go around