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[Closed] error with maxscript for Don't Affect Children mode

I have baked animations where I need to rotate the pivot of the upperarm by 90 degrees in x and retain the animation of the forearm. The final animation should look as it is currently and all the arm pivots (the clavicle, upperarm and forearm) should face in the same direction. So in the case of the right arm (see attached image), i need to rotate the upperarm so that it’s local z faces upwards. when i change the pivot, i cannot keep the animation of the children as before. I am attaching the max file too. Would really appretiate any help on this.


2 Replies

Are you sure you need to rotate the pivot or only the mesh/boneobject?

Maybe you could constrain a new object to the rig but with the right pivot alignment. Then bake that one out, then you probably need to figure out the new rotation order, and invert some tracks for the children. I don’t think i’ts a walk in the park issue.


Thanks for that Johan,

I had to create points, rotate their local x and constraint them to the bone keeping their initial offsets. baking these points gave me a start. Thanks again,
