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[Closed] Editable Mesh edge X visibility?

I have an editable mesh and I want to know visibility of edge X. How do I get this in mesh?

I guess I’d have to use getEdgeVis <mesh> <face_index_integer> <edge_index_integer>. The face_index_integer I get from meshop.getFacesUsingEdge <Mesh mesh> <edgelist> but where do I get the edge_index_integer? How do I know which edge (1,2,3) of that face my edge (X) is?

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fn isEdgeVisible emesh edge_index = if (iskindof emesh Editable_Mesh or iskindof emesh TriMesh) do
 if (face_index = edge_index/3) < emesh.numFaces do
  edge_index_in_face = (mod edge_index 3) + 1
  getEdgeVis emesh face_index edge_index_in_face


Each face has three edges so just test 1 through 3 till you find it. Does that work for you?

Test them how? I can’t find any function to map 1,2,3 to actual edge numbers.

There seems to be a strict relation between edges and faces indexes in Editable Mesh:

face 1 has edges 1,2,3
face 2 has edges 4,5,6
face 3 has edges 7,8,9
face n has edges (n*3)-2, (n*3)-1, (n*3)

I tried it on a messed Editable Poly converted to Editable Mesh, on a new messed Editable Mesh, and it was still true.

  • Enrico

Thanks guys. However the script above doens’t seem to work for me :-/

Here is a working script I wrote to select all visible edges:

myObj = selection[1]
mySel = #()
for i in 1 to myObj.numFaces*3 do (	
	if getEdgeVis myObj ((i+2)/3) ((mod (i+2) 3) + 1) then (	
		append mySel i		
setEdgeSelection myObj mySel
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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

my bad …

It’s fixed now:
Selects all invisible edges for all selected meshes

fn isEdgeVisible emesh edge_index = if (iskindof emesh Editable_Mesh or iskindof emesh TriMesh) do
edge_index -= 1
if (face_index = edge_index/3 + 1) <= emesh.numFaces do
edge_index_in_face = (mod edge_index 3) + 1
getEdgeVis emesh face_index edge_index_in_face
for emesh in selection as array where iskindof emesh Editable_Mesh do
emesh.selectededges = for edge_index=1 to emesh.edges.count where not isEdgeVisible emesh edge_index collect edge_index