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[Closed] Dynamically adding/removing rollout parameters?

I’m working on an script and one of the features I wanted with it, is the ability to add/remove predefined functions to a stack (Dummy), kinda like the modifier stack in Max.
The problem is how to store the information, especially since the values should be animateble, which rules out just using User Defined properties (which would have worked if it wasn’t because of the animation part)

Currently I have a set of predefined parameters in a hidden rollout of the created dummy, which was suppose to store the information. All the added actions is showing up in a Listview box, you can then select one and it will open the related window to modify it’s settings. As it is right now, I just have a limit of 3 version of each action in parameters, but the problem is that the dummy will be filled with redundant parameters which isn’t used, and is limited.

However is there a way to make these parameters dynamically, as the user cannot add the unlimited (not realistic, but to give the freedom to do it) amount of actions/functions. Or is there another way I can go around this issue? Any help/hints/ideas would be appreciated.